We are about 4 weeks new... all is going great.... amonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Â water changes.... and my fish tank education has grown.. Thanks to the nice people here at the Box....
I have noticed now that I have a little algee growth..Not too much, but a little here and there, I was told to waite for about 4 weeks before getting a Pleco... I do regular gravel Vaccuming and I clean the glass every now and then (inside) with the magnet cleaner...
I have a Rena Xp2 and It says to clean every 4 weeks... So I want to make sure that I do it correctly, the book is a little lacking on instruction..
says to clean.... rinse certian parts... I rinsed out the mechanical filtration pads with the water from the tank and just poured out the remaining water from the filter tank..... I did not use any tap water on anything.... this is where I am confused... I am afraid of killing the bacteria I so caringly grew...
I hooked up the filter... and turned it on... and now my clean tank is full of .. Looks like snow.... I think it is particals that might have been stuck to the outlet hose... .. so the tank now has particals floating around...
So what should I have done? Â Â should I have cleaned with tap and scrub brush the inside of the filter, the baskets, and the foam filter material? AND ONLY RINSED THE BIO FILTER MEDIA (STARS AND CERAMIC) WITH TANK WATER?
And do you clean the inlet and outlet tubes....
I know I ask a lot of questions, I just want to do this correctly... thank you in advance... Cope.
I have noticed now that I have a little algee growth..Not too much, but a little here and there, I was told to waite for about 4 weeks before getting a Pleco... I do regular gravel Vaccuming and I clean the glass every now and then (inside) with the magnet cleaner...
I have a Rena Xp2 and It says to clean every 4 weeks... So I want to make sure that I do it correctly, the book is a little lacking on instruction..
says to clean.... rinse certian parts... I rinsed out the mechanical filtration pads with the water from the tank and just poured out the remaining water from the filter tank..... I did not use any tap water on anything.... this is where I am confused... I am afraid of killing the bacteria I so caringly grew...
I hooked up the filter... and turned it on... and now my clean tank is full of .. Looks like snow.... I think it is particals that might have been stuck to the outlet hose... .. so the tank now has particals floating around...
So what should I have done? Â Â should I have cleaned with tap and scrub brush the inside of the filter, the baskets, and the foam filter material? AND ONLY RINSED THE BIO FILTER MEDIA (STARS AND CERAMIC) WITH TANK WATER?
And do you clean the inlet and outlet tubes....
I know I ask a lot of questions, I just want to do this correctly... thank you in advance... Cope.