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Tropical Amazon Aquarium HELP ME!

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  • #16
    Re: Tropical Amazon Aquarium HELP ME!

    If you are going to use fake plants go take a look at the ones at fish gallery or xtreme pets they are a lot better quality then most of the ones at your lfs


    • #17
      Re: Tropical Amazon Aquarium HELP ME!

      Best fake plants come from craft stores...1/2 the price and  typically same manufacturer as what FG carries.. Make sure though they are plastic


      • #18
        Re: Tropical Amazon Aquarium HELP ME!

        Maybe you should consider also fake fish as they go hand in hand with fake plants.
        Seriously if you want to keep big "sicklids" forget about the plants. Sand, holy rock and "sicklids" that is more than enough. One more thing, everyday water change, at least 20%. Welcome to the fishbox.


        • #19
          Re: Tropical Amazon Aquarium HELP ME!

          i don't think 1 or 2 oscars in a 120 to 150 gallon tank would require a daily 20% water change (a little xtreme i would say)

          of course all fish would love a daily 50% new water, but unless you are in a river or ocean, that will be a little hard to do
          65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
          55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
          30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

          live and let live


          • #20
            Re: Tropical Amazon Aquarium HELP ME!

            I am sorry for the  confusion finfan, I tried to be sarcastic. Obviously it didn't work very well.


            • #21
              Re: Tropical Amazon Aquarium HELP ME!

              Originally posted by Bogdan";p="
              Maybe you should consider also fake fish as they go hand in hand with fake plants.
              Seriously if you want to keep big "sicklids" forget about the plants. Sand, holy rock and "sicklids" that is more than enough. One more thing, everyday water change, at least 20%. Welcome to the fishbox.
              I've seen more than enough tanks with Cichlids and plants. So I think that was a over statement, as far as plants and Oscars, it might work and it might not, I plan to try and weigh down the plants with something if it doesn't work, well I'll get a kick at watching them drag them around.

              And with my 125G setup I plan to run my AquaClear 70 with my Powerhead 350 and Eheim 2217...And plan on doing 50% water changes once a week.
              68G: Cichlid Community tank soon to be moving in a 125G.

              Equipment: Fluval FX5; AquaClear 7; Powerhead 350.

