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Offer to build custom cabinets & hoods by Master Craftsm

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  • #31
    sorry I know I'm two years late but that stand was a piece of furniture with no thought about removing and cleaning filters. what ever happened to this guy I was not a member at the time of this time. are they still around or did they fizzle out?
    Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


    • #32
      I agree, make a menu with descriptions, prices and pics to get started - but also don't limit yourself. Just remember to take pics of cs of EVERYTHING you make to add to your pics of your work. I'm all about canopies!!!!
      Thanks so much,


      • #33
        Where can I go to cut wood to specs?

        Hello all,

        This is my first post, just moved here about 4 weeks ago from up north. I'm looking for someone who can cut the pieces I need for my stand, I can put it together myself. I have a ADA 45-C (17.72inX17.72X17.72in. 6mm) that I would like to get started on. I have everything minus the stand.

        Before I moved down here, I had built a stand for my ADA 60-p however I don't have the tools available to me anymore. Here are some pics of the stand I built,

        This was the stand in its rough stage.

        This is the stand when it was primed.

        Finally, the finished stand.

        I'm looking to build a similar stand 18x18x18 but because I'm new to Houston I don't know where to go and get the wood cut to my specs. I called McCoy's but they would not cut the wood to my specs. Something about the saw blah, blah, blah. Lowe's and Home Depot just butcher the wood with hardly any straight cuts at all so I'm back to square one.

        I'll be out of town this weekend but will return on the 2nd of Sept. Any help would be appreciated.



        • #34
          I'm a cabinet builder i can do what you are needing to be done give me a call. what area of town do you live in?
          Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


          • #35


            • #36
              I'm having another custom stand built and thought I'd post it here for everyone to see. It's a two 30g tank set-up to match my 75g stand. I'll post some pics of the finished 75g stand and canopy later. If anyone is interested my builder would give you an estimate.

              Last edited by greg_tsam; 02-10-2012, 05:54 PM.
              Painting the world with drool and poop since 2007! ~ Papa Greg

