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  • Dechlorinating....

    I set up a 30g tall yesterday, but didn't add anything to the water. How long should I let it cycle? It's a juvi tank that up till yesterday had about 50-60 Icebergs in it. I tore it completly down and just rinsed the gravel (chiped marble) and UGF plate....only thing I really scrubbed was the tank it self. Anyways....I put it all back together, added the water and it's been up and going since about noon yesterday.

    The reason I'm doing it this way is to see just how good my water really is....the PH is perfect (7.8 or so) right out of the faucet. From what I understand it's well water. I don't have any other test kits except for a nitrate, so I'll be using a couple of fish who volunteered for the experiment.
    A mouth will say anything....:ym_chatterbox:....Take a picture!!!!

  • #2
    Re: Dechlorinating....

    Areating overnight with some prime should take care of the chlorine/chloramine.

    As for cycling, a brand new tank usually cycles for at least 4-6 weeks.
    But since you used your old gravel, it might already be partially cycled.

    The only sure way to know is to test for ammonia, nitrItes and nitrAtes.
    I would spend some money on ammonia and nitraIte test kits. They'll be good to have around in your med kit anyway.
    It is cycled completely only when there is 0 ammonia, 0 nitrItes and lots of nitrAtes.

    Or if you want an "instant" cycle, try biospira (refrigerated packets). This stuff fully cycles a tank in 24 hrs.


    • #3
      Re: Dechlorinating....

      Did you have any filters besides the UGF on this tank? Do you happen to have a sponge filter with bacteria on it, that you could use in this juvi tank?

      If you can't advance the cycle with a "seed" filter, you may wanna hold off for a couple of weeks at least.

      Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


      • #4
        Re: Dechlorinating....

        No I didn't....just now getting into the sponge and wet/dry filters. I do have a HOB that's up and going on my 75 that I could put on the 30 as a seed filter. How long should I leave it on there to get the good bacteria up and going good?
        A mouth will say anything....:ym_chatterbox:....Take a picture!!!!


        • #5
          Re: Dechlorinating....

          Make sure there is no chlorine or chloramine in the tank first, if there is none, the seed filter should jump start a 30 gallon tank in about 5 to 7 days I would wouldn't hurt to add a couple of your juvi's for additional help and to act as carnary's too.

          You could even take 10 gallons from the 75 too....that might speed things up some....I'm no expert on this cycle process, but I have rushed things before and had no casualites, thank god.

          Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


          • #6
            Re: Dechlorinating....

            go get a emperor 400.the petsmart across the street here at 1488 & 2920 will price match. i bring my thatfishplace catalog in there and get every thing at internet prices. then i will swap with you some seeded bio wheels. you should be good to go.

            Trophs & Petros ONLY


            • #7
              Re: Dechlorinating....

              Usually, when I add the water conditioners and such, I may let the tank run for a day. But have put fish in right away....and so far haven't had a lose yet.

              Just a few days ago i cleaned my 100g and only let it run for part of the day before I added the fish (7 adults & about 10 juvi's) clouded up so I added the HOB from the 75 for a day....once it started clearing up I put it back on the 75. The water is clear and the fish are active....but I have no way of knowing what the ammonia levels or anything are.

              I think I'm just going to put my volunteers in and see what happens. 8O
              A mouth will say anything....:ym_chatterbox:....Take a picture!!!!


              • #8
                Re: Dechlorinating....

                Been there done that, and luckily, no losses, but it's risky of course, especially if you are thinking of adding expensive fish.

                It's best to take your time and do things the proven way...

                Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                • #9
                  Re: Dechlorinating....

                  Originally posted by fshfrk";p="
                  go get a emperor 400.the petsmart across the street here at 1488 & 2920 will price match. i bring my thatfishplace catalog in there and get every thing at internet prices. then i will swap with you some seeded bio wheels. you should be good to go.
                  Hah....sad to say, but I can't afford to buy one right now. I'm just a jobless bum right now ....  Actually, my wife makes alot more than me, so when the baby came, guess who gets to be Mr. Mom. 8) Tell you's the hardest job I've ever had!

                  Originally posted by CichlidFan";p="
                  Been there done that, and luckily, no losses, but it's risky of course, especially if you are thinking of adding expensive fish.

                  It's best to take your time and do things the proven way...

                  I'm going to use a couple of my juvi (2 1/2") icebergs. I have about 50 of them and 3 more females holding 8O . For my next trip to the LFS I'll definitly have a couple test kits on the list.
                  A mouth will say anything....:ym_chatterbox:....Take a picture!!!!


                  • #10
                    Re: Dechlorinating....

                    If you are on well water you shouldnt need any dechlorinator.

                    you really should get a test kit that covers ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate  I use the freshwater master test kit that covers those 3 plus high and midrange ph levels.


                    • #11
                      Re: Dechlorinating....

                      Originally posted by JStrider";p="
                      If you are on well water you shouldnt need any dechlorinator.

                      you really should get a test kit that covers ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate  I use the freshwater master test kit that covers those 3 plus high and midrange ph levels.

                      That's what I was thinking....I was doing some reading yesterday on types of tap water. It mentioned well water being the best due to all the good minerals in it. I believe it said that there are basically 2 types of well water hard and soft....with the soft being acidy which is a bad thing. I think it said that if your water has a high Ph right out of the faucet then you should be good on the acids.

                      Definitly getting the test kit.
                      A mouth will say anything....:ym_chatterbox:....Take a picture!!!!


                      • #12
                        Re: Dechlorinating....

                        Originally posted by HawgHunter";p="
                        ..........I believe it said that there are basically 2 types of well water hard and soft....with the soft being acidy which is a bad thing. I think it said that if your water has a high Ph right out of the faucet then you should be good on the acids.......
                        Well... it really depends on what kind of livestock you are keeping. If you are keeping softwater species like wild discus and angels, then you actually want soft and acidy. The down side of "soft and acidiy" is that it is usually not well buffered.. i.e sensitive to pH swings.
                        If you are keeping african cichlids, then you want hard and alkaliny.

                        There's lots of limestone under us in this area... chances are water around here is going to be hard & alkaline.


                        • #13
                          Re: Dechlorinating....

                          This is for cichlids....I do have some Tetra's (neon, black & glolight) but they absolutly get water conditioner in thier water. But since this is for the cichlids the high ph is fluctuation durng water changes.
                          A mouth will say anything....:ym_chatterbox:....Take a picture!!!!


                          • #14
                            Re: Dechlorinating....

                            Originally posted by nacra99";p="
                            Areating overnight with some prime should take care of the chlorine/chloramine.

                            As for cycling, a brand new tank usually cycles for at least 4-6 weeks.
                            But since you used your old gravel, it might already be partially cycled.

                            The only sure way to know is to test for ammonia, nitrItes and nitrAtes.
                            I would spend some money on ammonia and nitraIte test kits. They'll be good to have around in your med kit anyway.
                            It is cycled completely only when there is 0 ammonia, 0 nitrItes and lots of nitrAtes.

                            Or if you want an "instant" cycle, try biospira (refrigerated packets). This stuff fully cycles a tank in 24 hrs.

                            I 'do' want alot of nitrates????  I thought high nitrates was a sign it's time to clean....
                            A mouth will say anything....:ym_chatterbox:....Take a picture!!!!


                            • #15
                              Re: Dechlorinating....

                              Here is where I was reading about the diff types of tap water....
                              A mouth will say anything....:ym_chatterbox:....Take a picture!!!!

