Attention all buyers and sellers. This forum is provided for the sole purpose of providing a central location for buyers and sellers of goods to find each other.
HoustonFishBox takes no responsibility nor oversight as to the correctness or fairness of any offer to buy or sell. This is a reminder to all members to use due diligence in all transactions. It is the buyer/seller's responsibility to research all offers and negotiate all sales.
HoustonFishBox will not be responsible for any losses that could be incurred from use of this forum. Additionally, HoustonFishBox staff will not be responsible for mediating any disputes. Any and all disputes should be handled privately between the parties involved.
The Code of Conduct for use of these forums applies to everyone at all times. Failure to conform will result in loss of privileges.
These forums exist as a service for our members and guests to trade and sell their personal items. The following rules apply:
Please keep in mind that these forums are a service HoustonFishBox provides. Following the above guidelines help make the forums more user-friendly, and certainly makes them easier to moderate.
HoustonFishBox takes no responsibility nor oversight as to the correctness or fairness of any offer to buy or sell. This is a reminder to all members to use due diligence in all transactions. It is the buyer/seller's responsibility to research all offers and negotiate all sales.
HoustonFishBox will not be responsible for any losses that could be incurred from use of this forum. Additionally, HoustonFishBox staff will not be responsible for mediating any disputes. Any and all disputes should be handled privately between the parties involved.
The Code of Conduct for use of these forums applies to everyone at all times. Failure to conform will result in loss of privileges.
These forums exist as a service for our members and guests to trade and sell their personal items. The following rules apply:
- Before listing an item in this forum, please update your profile to indicate your general geographic location HERE. A general location will suffice...for instance, NW Houston, Clear-Lake area, Katy, Woodlands, East Houston, etc. That will save potential buyers the trouble of sending and waiting for a return private message if the location is an important factor for them. If you do not update your profile to reflect your general location, your thread will be deleted until your profile is updated.
- All items listed for sale must include a price. If you are willing to accept trades, it is also helpful to list the types of items you are interested in trading for. No auction threads will be allowed. Please do not start "checking interest" type threads. If you want to check interest for an item, searching other buying/selling sites (EBay, Retailers, etc.) will give you a good idea of the demand and price range for an item, so please do your research before posting here. If you do not include a price, your thread will be deleted.
- No commercial listings will be allowed. If you are repeatedly trading or selling new equipment, have multiples of the same new item(s), a revolving thread where the list of fish is constantly changing, or being able to "get anything" a poster may ask for is a sure-fire way to have your post removed as "commercial" and possibly banned from the site.
- This should not have to be listed as a rule, but for the sake of absolute clarity -- No illegal items are to be sold on HoustonFishBox. This includes items that are stolen or otherwise illegal in the state of Texas. Texas Parks and Wildlife is very clear about what fish are allowed to be kept, bought, and sold in the state. Please be familiar with what is allowed before posting on HoustonFishBox. If you post an illegal fish for sell, or looking to buy, your thread will be removed.
- HoustonFishBox does not endorse or take responsibility for any group orders that take place, period.
- The Fish Market is not an area for discussion. If you wish to purchase or trade, please post. However, if you only wish to comment on the quality of someone else's item or their price, or comment on the validity of the item(s), with no intention of buying/trading, please keep it to yourself. For clarity, this includes any and all on-topic or off-topic discussion. If you would like to have a discussion, please start a new thread in the appropriate forum.
- Please be sure to respond to a listing in the manner in which the original poster requested. For example, if they specifically say to send email, then sending a PM is a waste of time and could hurt your chances of getting the item.
- There is no need to respond with posts such as "PM sent". It does not guarantee your place in line or reserve an item for you. The seller is free to sell the item to whoever they want, regardless of who posted first.
- If your item sells, please update your thread to reflect the item(s) status as SOLD.
- Do not post links if the sole purpose is to ridicule the item/pricing in the link. This forum is for links to good deals found on other sites that you want to share with HFB members.
Please keep in mind that these forums are a service HoustonFishBox provides. Following the above guidelines help make the forums more user-friendly, and certainly makes them easier to moderate.