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Fish and Plant profiles moved

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  • Fish and Plant profiles moved

    I've moved the Fish and Plant profiles. You will still use the 'Species Profiles' tab to get to them, but the format is different. I'll be posting the article with instructions for submitting a profile soon.

    I would also like to add Marine fish and Corals at some point, but I'm going to need some help with what details are needed to make a useful profile for those.

    Also, I've got the profiles listed by the Common Name(s) right now, but it's been suggested that perhaps listing them by the Scientific Name would be better. It's not a big deal to change them, I just want to make sure that's going to be what the majority of 'boxers will find useful. Please vote for your preference using this poll.
    I want to see the Common Names.
    I want to see the Scientific Name.
    I don't care

    The poll is expired.

    Our Fishhouse
    Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.

  • #2
    Awesome. I voted Common because people may have heard it called Cardinal tetra but didnt know it was Paracheirodon axelrodi
    Resident fish bum
    330G FOWLR
    34G Reef
    330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
    28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
    Treasurer, GHAC


    • #3
      Would it be possible to list them by both with links to the same profile?
      120g - Tropheus Moorii Kambwimba
      180g - Petrochromis Macrognathus Dine/Tropheus Moorii Namansi I

      "Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains"....Winston Churchill

      "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence upon those who would do us harm"....Winston Churchill


      • #4
        No, unfortunately not. An article only has a single title field and that is what they are sorted on.
        Our Fishhouse
        Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


        • #5
          I voted for scientific names. Common names can be made up by anyone, and there's no regulation for them. Additionally, one common name may refer to any number of different species of fishes. For example, I just googled "Garra rufa," which is a fish that Nick added a profile for. The common name is "Doctor Fish," but that common name can also be given to the species Cyprinion macrostomus.

          If you want to be absolutely sure about which fish you're talking, the scientific name is the only way to do so. Also, you can get much more reliable information on a fish if you search by their scientific name rather than their common name. Searching by the latter can and will give you all kinds of confusing information, and there's always the possibility that you're reading about the wrong species of fish, with the same common name.

          I understand that many fish are known better by their common names, such as the Cardinal Tetra, as Brian pointed out. And that some, like many species of Cichlids, are in the middle of scientific debates and new discoveries that are changing the scientific names every 5 minutes, it seems. But, scientific names are much more reliable, and there is never any confusion in regards to just what fish one's talking about.
          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


          • #6
            I tend to lean towards scientific except that I am not sure how well that works Tropheus and Petros. Most of these fish are classified by color/collection point with few absolutes even amongst vendors. Scanning a price list sometimes confuses more than it explains. So I guess I have to vote for common names
            120g - Tropheus Moorii Kambwimba
            180g - Petrochromis Macrognathus Dine/Tropheus Moorii Namansi I

            "Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains"....Winston Churchill

            "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence upon those who would do us harm"....Winston Churchill


            • #7
              I just want to throw this out there in case it's not clear. It might be totally clear and I'm just wasting a post, but just in case.....

              You can search for both the common name or the scientific name using the Search functionality. So if you are looking for a specific fish, you'd search for whatever name you are comfortable with...common or scientific...same as if you are just searching the forums. But if you are browsing the profiles page by page, right now you'll see the common names, but you'll also see a thumbnail picture of the fish. Then when you open the article, you'll see all the info about the fish, including the scientific name.
              Our Fishhouse
              Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


              • #8
                I voted both due to the numerous common and scientific names that abound
                In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                Desiderius Erasmus
                GHAC President


                • #9
                  fish and plant profiles really coming along. we have 75 now, keep it up guys n gals :)
                  25g - Reef
                  3.5g - Surge Tank
                  10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony

