I'm a reefkeeper and recently I decided to do a couple planted tanks. I have a 10g that I'm going to keep shrimp in and a 40g "cubish" tank that I' haven't decided what's going in there.
As far as reef tanks go we downsized from our 135g to a 30g due to electrical costs and we also have a 30g with 200 baby black onyx perculas that we are raising.
I've often thought about joining the Houston Aquarium Society, but the meetings are on Weds when I'm at church so I'd never be able to attend. I will probably join Nature Aquarium Society of Houston though.
As far as reef tanks go we downsized from our 135g to a 30g due to electrical costs and we also have a 30g with 200 baby black onyx perculas that we are raising.
I've often thought about joining the Houston Aquarium Society, but the meetings are on Weds when I'm at church so I'd never be able to attend. I will probably join Nature Aquarium Society of Houston though.