Greetings! One more of the DFW Fishbox crew...been lurking a couple weeks, finally got enough time to make it official. I have 5 aquariums (5-95g) with various malawi & tang cichlids, dwarf cichlids, catfish, loaches, & plecos (and several smaller "puddle tanks" for bettas, fry, and a frog named "Steve").
Have long-time friends in Houston, so I'm in the area a couple/three times a year--but haven't been to any of the local shops yet (and I'm still disappointed work projects kept me from heading down for the recent club auction).
Have long-time friends in Houston, so I'm in the area a couple/three times a year--but haven't been to any of the local shops yet (and I'm still disappointed work projects kept me from heading down for the recent club auction).