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Hey guys and gals

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  • Hey guys and gals

    Hey my name is Gus, my real name is Mikey but most people just call me Gus. I have been breeding amphibians for over 15 years, plus writing for others their captive husbandry. I am now keeping and breeding fish and wish I would have started sooner. My tanks are as follows. 40 breeder, 29 long, 6- 20 gal,, a 10 gal, 2 -5 gal, and a 2gal for my female betta. All my tanks have substrate, rocks, plants, etc.. try to make them all as close to nature as possible. I know you dont have to, but you do with frogs, so its just habit. Plus I think bare tanks with just fish look bad.
    Life's to short to worry and too long to wait
    Its too short not to love everybody, and Life's too long to hate

  • #2
    WELCOME TO THE BOX! what are you breeding and what fish do you have? and na, bare bottom tanks are best for breeding IMO they are easy to clean and no chance of losing fry in the substrate
    I make people happy


    • #3
      Hi there. What kind of amphibians do you keep?


      • #4
        Welcome to HFB!!
        "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


        • #5
          Heya! Some older Greek people used to call me Gus. Apparently, it was once used as a nickname for Constantinos when Greeks came to America. Go figure.
          Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

          You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


          • #6
            Howdy Gus! Welcome to HFB.

            What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

            Robert Anson Heinlein


            • #7


              • #8
                HOWDY!!! Hope you stay awhile! We are full of fish fun and full of laughs!
                BEWARE Guard GUPPIES On Duty!


                • #9
                  Hello everyone. I will be here awhile. I have looked over several boards and funny enough the one I like best is the local one.
                  My amphibians are
                  Dendrobates azureus, Dendrobates leucomelas, Phyllobates terribilis,
                  D. lamasiPhyllomedusa sauvagii, Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis, Agalychnis callidryas, I also keep and breed several others but they are ones most people have never heard of.

                  Fish I keep and breed are
                  c. aeneus
                  c. paleatus
                  neolamprologus brichardi, pulcher, leleupi
                  xiphophorus sp.
                  snakeskin retic guppy, half black guppy, tequila sunrise guppy, plus working on a new cool color.
                  microctenopoma ansogii, ctenopoma acutirostre, testudines,
                  Dario dario, stiphodon ornatus, sewellia lineolata,

                  I am still working on getting a few more species, but the local stores do not carry them.

                  Life's to short to worry and too long to wait
                  Its too short not to love everybody, and Life's too long to hate


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gapzero View Post
                    Hello everyone. I will be here awhile. I have looked over several boards and funny enough the one I like best is the local one.
                    My amphibians are
                    Dendrobates azureus, Dendrobates leucomelas, Phyllobates terribilis,
                    D. lamasiPhyllomedusa sauvagii, Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis, Agalychnis callidryas, I also keep and breed several others but they are ones most people have never heard of.

                    Are these frogs or salamanders?
                    PLECOS SUCK!



                    • #11
                      Sorry ,

                      dendrobates are the "poison dart frogs"
                      phyllomedusa sauvagii "waxy monkey" , P. hypochondrialis "tiger leg" & agalychnis callidryas "red eye" are tree frogs.
                      Life's to short to worry and too long to wait
                      Its too short not to love everybody, and Life's too long to hate


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gapzero View Post
                        All my tanks have substrate, rocks, plants, etc.. try to make them all as close to nature as possible. I know you dont have to, but you do with frogs, so its just habit.
                        Then you are the total opposite of Nick. Welcome to the box
                        Resident fish bum
                        330G FOWLR
                        34G Reef
                        330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                        28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                        Treasurer, GHAC


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gapzero View Post
                          Sorry ,

                          dendrobates are the "poison dart frogs"
                          phyllomedusa sauvagii "waxy monkey" , P. hypochondrialis "tiger leg" & agalychnis callidryas "red eye" are tree frogs.
                          You going to the reptile show this weekend?

                          Originally posted by Darbex View Post
                          Then you are the total opposite of Nick.
                          PLECOS SUCK!



                          • #14
                            Wow, what a great list of fish you're breeding! Please, one of these days you've got to start a journal or something on here about your cories spawning - there's not too much here on HFB about it! I adore cories.
                            "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                            • #15
                              Welcome, I would like to see some pics of your "poison dart frog" setup.
                              150G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
                              125G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
                              115G Tanganyikan

