I'm new here, obviously, haha. I reallyyyy love bettas I currently only have a crowntail boy named Commdore:

I haven't been able to plant his bitty 2 gallon hex yet because he was a rescue fishie and I'm still working on getting him healthy, he was a bit raggedy since some idiots decided to stick him and another boy in the same cup, he's still missing a good chunk of his anal fin that I don't think will ever grow back, he also came with fin rot and right now we're fighting off columnaris, he's being treated with Maracyn and I'm sure he'll pull through since he's proven to be quite the little fighter!

I haven't been able to plant his bitty 2 gallon hex yet because he was a rescue fishie and I'm still working on getting him healthy, he was a bit raggedy since some idiots decided to stick him and another boy in the same cup, he's still missing a good chunk of his anal fin that I don't think will ever grow back, he also came with fin rot and right now we're fighting off columnaris, he's being treated with Maracyn and I'm sure he'll pull through since he's proven to be quite the little fighter!