Hello everyone,
Lets see where to start I have 3 and a half tanks. 55 , 30 , 10, and a river tank Im building from acrylic (that is when my engineering brain quits over designing it and i get the idea hammered out). The 55 is my oldest tank and is referred to as the lego tank because it has a lego castle and a lego plane with live plants; it houses a 8in bicher, a bristlenose, a goldfish that survived a culling, and a rainbow that survived everything my early attempts at fish-keeping could throw at it. The thirty is clearly undefined and ends up as the quarantine tank for lack of inspiration and will likely be a starter tank for my mom when she moves back to her house from a life on the road. The ten is an eclectic holding tank for the river tank yet to be built or fish way to small to go into the predators den. Between the 10 and the 30 I have 4 ghost shrimp, a bambo shrimp, a pair of neon swords, a horse face loach and a colony of snails that infest plants but they work well and are interesting to watch until they get eaten. What Im looking for though if anyone has and would like to part with or knows where to find them. A pair of rope fish (had one for 2 years as a rescue before I left the country) and hillstream loaches. Thanks for your time in reading this.
Oh feel free to give any Ideas or comments (except the 30)
Lets see where to start I have 3 and a half tanks. 55 , 30 , 10, and a river tank Im building from acrylic (that is when my engineering brain quits over designing it and i get the idea hammered out). The 55 is my oldest tank and is referred to as the lego tank because it has a lego castle and a lego plane with live plants; it houses a 8in bicher, a bristlenose, a goldfish that survived a culling, and a rainbow that survived everything my early attempts at fish-keeping could throw at it. The thirty is clearly undefined and ends up as the quarantine tank for lack of inspiration and will likely be a starter tank for my mom when she moves back to her house from a life on the road. The ten is an eclectic holding tank for the river tank yet to be built or fish way to small to go into the predators den. Between the 10 and the 30 I have 4 ghost shrimp, a bambo shrimp, a pair of neon swords, a horse face loach and a colony of snails that infest plants but they work well and are interesting to watch until they get eaten. What Im looking for though if anyone has and would like to part with or knows where to find them. A pair of rope fish (had one for 2 years as a rescue before I left the country) and hillstream loaches. Thanks for your time in reading this.
Oh feel free to give any Ideas or comments (except the 30)