Amazing what I have learned since i joined this website. algarciajr told me about this website and I visit this website several times a day. I truly appreciate the moderators and everyone that is ready to help and offer good useful advice. I consider myself a rookie when it comes to aquariums and fish knowledge. I have learned recently that anyone can go and buy an aquarium, but maintaining it is the real challenge. Regular water some of you that have several massive tanks, especially the ones that have all triple digit tanks, I am impressed to say the least. Today I did water changes on 2 of my tanks with my newly purchased python product and no I did not hook it up to the sink, that is such waste of water in opinion. I just drained it in the front yard. algarciajr is my mentor...I learn something new everytime i talk to him. Thanks.
Sorry for this long post. Just felt like typing everything popped up in my head about my experience with houston fish box so far. I want to thank once again all the moderators, administrators, algarciajr and everyone that contributes to this awesome educational website.
Sorry for this long post. Just felt like typing everything popped up in my head about my experience with houston fish box so far. I want to thank once again all the moderators, administrators, algarciajr and everyone that contributes to this awesome educational website.
