Really like your site, has numerous discussions that are helpful, and forums for all types of fish/fish keepers not just one specific type, makes the site more entertaining. I have 2 tanks, a 210 gal with Wild Caught Red Rainbow Kasanga (37), 4 Petro Famula Bangwe fry, and 1 Simochromis diagramma (just got all these fish last week), substrate is white sugar sand, scaping is TX holey rock, filtration is 2 powerheads K-4's, 2 emperor 400's, and a wet/dry system (home made) with a Mag 18 pump...filtration has been very good so far. My other tank is an in the wall 100 gallon tank, I designed and built my house and I always wanted an in wall aquarium, my only regret is that I only did a 100 gal tank, hindsite 20/20, next time I build I am going to put a monster in the wall or I would like to use a monster tank as a room divider...or both, ha ha just dreaming, we will see. In the 100 gal I have a variety of african cichlids, from all lakes and they are getting along very well.
Victoria, Yala and Obliq (not very colorful without females, but with females probably one of the most stunningly colored african cichlids), Tanganykia, wc m/f gold head muzi comp, 1 kitumba fontosa, Malawi, 1 Stuartgranti, 1 borlei, 2 johanni's, 2 yellow blaze (coolest fish when fully colored in my opinion), oh and 2 small bristlenosed albino plecos. here are some links to view my show tank, please tell me what you think.
Victoria, Yala and Obliq (not very colorful without females, but with females probably one of the most stunningly colored african cichlids), Tanganykia, wc m/f gold head muzi comp, 1 kitumba fontosa, Malawi, 1 Stuartgranti, 1 borlei, 2 johanni's, 2 yellow blaze (coolest fish when fully colored in my opinion), oh and 2 small bristlenosed albino plecos. here are some links to view my show tank, please tell me what you think.