Whats up guys. Cichlid1409's bro here. Just thought I'ld spend some more time with my fish hobby and subsequantly the box. I just set up a 120g freshwater semi planted tank. I have a pleco and 2 7" spotted gar in there right now. I only have a 350 and a 400 penguin filter on it right now. Theres carbon in the 400 and some peat moss in the 350 as a buffer. Gunna get 2 Silver or Golden Arowana's to finish it out. Here it is as it is. The water level is low because I'm trying to seal up a small leak at the top corner. I was thinking of getting some java fern for the wood and planting some anubius. Theres a potted broadleafed sword in there right now. Have plans to maybe build another planted tank again and hopes for a reef tank but not necessarily in that order. And of course the fabled RottGar guarding the left over rocks.
Ps. I know you guys better in real life so dont get offended if I dont know who you are lol. Help me out there.
