Hi, all ! I'm not so new to fish keeping, but I'm new to forum posting, so I've been exploring. Keep finding new forums and finally spotted this one for introductions. I'm in the LaPorte / Deer Park area and have been for ages. I've never really specialized in any certain type of fish, but there are some I've always enjoyed and try to keep, like my cardinal tetras. I currently maintain 3 tanks...a 150 community tank that sits where I think a breakfast nook is supposed to be, a 40 gallon which houses a small group of N.Leluipi and a lone J. transcriptus (could only find one at the time and now he or she is grown, so I am unsure about adding another and shaking things up), and a tiny planted tank with tiny red shrimp. I'm a shiftworker and don't always get the right weekends off to attend events, but I look forward to trying to get to a fish swap now and then, or whatever. I'm sure I'll be picking up a lot of good ideas and info here at the Houston Fish Box.