Hey everyone! I'm new to the site! I'm pete, i'm from the bellaire area and i'm a freshwater fish-aholic.
i have three tanks atm, 1 55 g community tank, home to my pride and joy - "Very Special *******" - my golden nugget, god knows how many other types of more common plecos (including "big *******" the common plec and "special" our longfin albino bushynose plec - can you guess where we got the name for the golden nugget? ), "goby" (original i know ) our dragon goby, "pinky and the brain" our bolivian rams and "herbert" our pictus - named because he only comes out of his ship to shoo those pesky kids (the corys) off his lawn!
we have a 20 g aggressive tank which currently contains "fascinating" a striped lep, "***-hole" the gold gourami (who had to be moved to the aggressive tank because he was causing havoc in the community tank) and the twin murderers the red jewel cichlids (who're for sale btw in the market).
Finally we have a 10g goldfish tank (my wife's ) containing "holly" and "molly" the redhead and blonde ryukin goldfish!
I found HoustonFishBox looking for somewhere i could get updates from the houston lfs's and what a treat i found! its awesome to find a community close by who can help, give advice and share the pleasure our aquariums give us!
Im a freshwater fanatic now, with a particular obsession for plecos (i know some people think they're boring, but then again some people like the Cowboys....theres no accounting for taste ) i'd love to get started in saltwater, wife wife wants saltwater, but gosh-darn it theyre so expensive! so for the time being the salt is an ambition
Well, its been nice meeting y'all, hope i get to know you all a little better soon,
take it easy,
BiGPiNK (Pete)