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Willie in Va.

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  • Willie in Va.

    After a 25 year hiatus from keeping fish I joined a national fish club on Feb. 4, bought a 29G loaded with like 80 fancy guppies from CL on Feb. 5.
    My first act was off-loading the guppies at no charge (dumb dumb dumb)..
    I'm now keeping (2) 155G's, one Discus (9) and one Angel tank (10).
    (1) 55G with Malawi's.. Nicholsi's (12)..
    (1) 29G with Malawi's (Maingaino's and Demosonia's with 5 Brichardi fry hanging around.. (all soon to go into a 125).
    One 125G with about a dozen and a half Angels soon to be moved to the 155G with the 10 other Angels.
    One 10G of Wild caught Endlers that sit aside my puter monitor... (gotta have a distraction ya know)..
    And one 10G with some sort of exotic LB's from Haiti..

    Yea.. my wife thinks I;m going through a mid-life crisis..

    On a final note.. I'm not out a freaking dime on my investment in these set-ups.. Bill in Va.

  • #2
    Talking about making up for lost time!

    Welcome to HFB!
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      That seems to be the consensus.. Bill


      • #4
        Welcome to the box, way to jump in with both feet
        120g - Tropheus Moorii Kambwimba
        180g - Petrochromis Macrognathus Dine/Tropheus Moorii Namansi I

        "Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains"....Winston Churchill

        "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence upon those who would do us harm"....Winston Churchill


        • #5
          Gene.. I normally keep my political leanings out of my hobby/passion. BUT.. Love your slug-lines!.. Bill in Va.


          • #6
            Welcome to the BOX !!!!!


            • #7
              Welcome!! Hope you'll share pics of your setups soon! :)
              All bleeding stops eventually...


              • #8
                New to this site..

                Aqua.. where should I post them?..125G canopy 003.jpg

                This is the 125G angel tank with 6 platinum blue pearl scales... 5 F1 silvers.. 4 or 5 the mandatory tets and cory's.. Bill in Va.


                • #9
                  Vals 001.jpgVals 002.jpg
                  The Val jungle..


                  • #10
                    I love your tanks! Great setups!
                    All bleeding stops eventually...


                    • #11
                      Aqua.. thank you.. Still learning a tons more to learn.. My mission once getting back into the hobby was: 1. acquire tanks, 2. figure out the substrate, 3. acquire plants (I'm a plant freak).. and 4. Livestock.
                      Substrate.. Mostly PFS but am experimenting with a clay based substrate i picked up from Tractor Supply. Safe-T-Sorb.. 5 bucks for 40 lbs. plants.. I've learned I cannot grow high light plants but my vals and sags kick butt.. Livestock?... I am a big fan of New Worlds particularly Angels, Discus, Apisto's and Rams.. but have recently dipped my toes into Africans.. with the Af's my restrictions were: none that grew over 5 inches and none that were super agressive (The Brichardi's were free so we'll see where they end up)..
                      Here are two pics of a tank I just set up a week or two ago alongside my PC monitor...Wild caught black bar endlers. Bill in Va. perch1.jpgperch2.jpg


                      • #12
                        Really like the val jungle. I love plants too but recently have had mediocre luck with them.

                        Angels and rams are my absolute faves to keep so far. My next medium to large tank is going to be an angels/rams tank. I've also only recently gotten into the Africans world by getting Moba frontosa, and I love those. Am also getting baby dwarf compressiceps (Altolamprologus compressiceps sumbu, shell spawners) tomorrow for my 20 long!! I hope I like those too.
                        All bleeding stops eventually...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by aquabee View Post
                          Really like the val jungle. I love plants too but recently have had mediocre luck with them.

                          Angels and rams are my absolute faves to keep so far. My next medium to large tank is going to be an angels/rams tank. I've also only recently gotten into the Africans world by getting Moba frontosa, and I love those. Am also getting baby dwarf compressiceps (Altolamprologus compressiceps sumbu, shell spawners) tomorrow for my 20 long!! I hope I like those too.

                          You gotta share some pics when you get them in!
                          700g Mini-Monster tank


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by eklikewhoa View Post
                            You gotta share some pics when you get them in!
                            Believe it. Will post over the weekend once they're a little more settled. They're still super small though!
                            All bleeding stops eventually...

