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Back again!

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  • Back again!

    Hiya, I'm just setting up my new aquarium, pics to follow!

    I've had many aquariums, and even more fish, and it seems like every time I start a new set up, I get a little closer to what I really want.

    I'm gonna fast forward past most of my aquariums... everything from a goldfish bowl as a toddler, to a ~40g hex when I was ten or so. They were both completely my responsibility, so I'm amazed I kept at it, and eventually my father and built a 55g with a custom, furniture quality stand that matched my parent's kitchen. I still didn't have a clue what I was doing, though. I was probably 12 or 13. Eventually all my fish had died, except for a few Corys, and I'd gone off to college (Somehow, my mom kept them in a goldfish bowl and they lived for the next 3-4 years). My junior year I set up an african cichlid in their basement. I was happy with how it turned out, considering I still didn't have an

    Here's a pic with a very ****ty camera:

    Eventually I graduated, moved away, and my dad sold it all on craigslist. Someone paid more for my dominant male demasoni than anyone was willing to pay for the tank and filters .

    A month or so ago I decided I was ready to try again, this time with my own house, an income, and a little more responsibility under my belt. Honestly, I thought I had decided on a rimless tank, but, especially after being quoted $2500 for the tank and furniture quality stand, I ended up with:

    90g Fluval Frontier (w/ Fluval 405). I didn't buy any of the decor.

    Got it home and did a test fill ---- this was super stressful for some reason. The idea of 90 gallons of water spewing out in to my office scared the hell out of me. I had dreams about it that night. Every sound I heard was my water spewing out. haha.

    So, then I went and bought some Leslies PFS, and after adding 100lbs and filling it up with water, I wasn't happy with the color or the amount of particlates. Removing 100+ lbs of sand and water from an aquarium ranks in my top 10 of things I really, really disliked doing.

    Added 90lbs of carib sea and had this nice cloudy, ominous mess:

    Did another water change, and its starting to get clear. I plan on picking up some gray river rock from the landscaping nurseries this week (any suggestions? I'm in the Heights and was told to check out San Jacinto Rock, and also saw that NEPCO was recommended).

    Thats all for now, but I do have a few questions:

    Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:01 pm Post subject:

    Would I have issues with the following:

    - Pseudotropheus demasoni
    - Labidochromis caeruleus
    - Melanochromis auratus (or another Melanochromis?)

    How many fish should I have in a 90g? As mentioned earlier, my previous tank was only 55g. The "cookie cutter" suggestions on Cichlid-Forums only go up to 75g.


    I don't want to have any/many plants in my aquarium, but I love the idea of introducing a little green with an even algae growth on the surface of the rocks. Is this feasible? How would I achieve it? Saw this at a LFS (Fish Gallery), which is what got me thinking:


  • #2
    Nice re-start!

    The plant like growth is hard to tell on my phone but it might be some sort or plant, riccia perhaps or a moss. Moss would work with decent amount of light.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      That's just algae.

      Welcome back dude!

      90g is very clean! :)

      I say WC colony of trophus blue rainbow and your set!
      I ate my fish that died.


      • #4
        welcome i see u got all that at fishgallery...
        Out of the hobby for now..


        • #5
          That's some really nice looking algae from the small picture I see on my phone!
          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • #6
            Welcome back!! Love the tank... really clean lines.

            I hafta say, I had some very similar experiences! On my list of top 5 things I *really* dislike is removing 100 lbs of crushed coral and adding 80 lbs of CaribSea tahitian moon sand (btw totally worth it, as much as it sucked to do it esp given that the coral is white and the tahitian sand is jet black!! Argh!!!). I also had nightmares of the 125g/6ft tank which was in a 4th floor apartment crashing through the floors and killing someone or someone's pets below... so much so that I ended up anonymously calling the apartment complex and then finding out they have huge concrete slabs for floors in even the upper level apartments, and that waterbeds and even monster tanks would be supported. *phew* got stupid-lucky on that one!

            As far as rock, SunnyHouTX always recommends NEPCO. He usually gets most of his rock from there pretty cheap. And for the algae, try talking to Sarah at Fish Gallery. She sets up most of those nano planted tanks they have on display, and she's really good at giving advice on how she gets her setups to look the way they do. She's got short brown hair and glasses.

            Anyway, welcome again and can't wait to see more pics as the water clears!
            All bleeding stops eventually...


            • #7
              I see the pic now... its just a light layer of algae but damn is it nice and green!
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • #8
                So I was refilling the tank while I was writing that super long post....

                Was a few mm from overflowing lol. Scary ****.

                Rocks are in! Pics when water is too.


                • #9

                  Just my first go. I want to find some additional rocks - all dark gray - and maybe remove some of the ones that are lighter/red/brown.

                  Any suggestions?

                  Also, what do you guys generally do to your Houston tap water? I'll eventually be going with African Cichilds, but my "test" danios are dying off, despite ok temps, ph and amonia levels.



                  • #10
                    Having a carbon bottle to filter the water would be the best bet, outside of that just partial water changes with seachem prime or kordons amquel plus works fine.
                    700g Mini-Monster tank


                    • #11
                      So, since my Ammonia levels are showing ok (and the tank has hardly any living organisms in it), I assume I;m having Chlorine/Chloramine issues?

                      (thanks for the ultra quick reply)


                      • #12
                        trace amounts of ammonia, chlorine, chloarmines, difference in kh/gh, all factor in when doing water changes.

                        Most of the conditioners will bind those harmful things till consumed to keep from affecting the fish in moderate levels.
                        700g Mini-Monster tank


                        • #13
                          Sounds like a 4L bottle of the seachem makes sense in the long run.

                          Kinda off topic, but when I was starting to research/set this up, I was talking with a buddy about "hobbies" that tend to go hand in hand... we decided that people who like cars, also like watches and aquariums. Is that just because everyone likes cars and aquariums, so obviously the people who like watches like those things too? lol

                          Any ideas on how to improve the aquascape?



                          • #14
                            Buying bulk always a good thing.

                            Hobbies... hmmm I'm more of a tech junkie so anything I can tear apart, improve or just make better is my thing. Cars, guns, aquariums, etc. Not much of a watch person though.
                            700g Mini-Monster tank


                            • #15
                              Aquascape.... get bigger pieces of rock.
                              700g Mini-Monster tank

