I'm Sasha, also known as Mnemenoi (Roy)'s honey...crossed over to the fish side and got my own log-on, finally! Fair warning, I'm terrible with Latin names and far from an expert, but I'm trying to learn all I can so you may see me asking silly questions here and there.
In case you don't know from Roy, we've currently got:
-a 10 gal low-tech planted tank with Cherry shrimp, Amano shrimp, Kuhli loaches, Von rio tetras, and various other stragglers that may or may not still be hiding in the plants somewhere.
-a 35 gal tall Tanganyika community: Multi's, some Cypts and Orange Tylo's (thankya Tim!), Gobies, and a lone baby Frontosa. This tank was so fun to set up, it's my (our?) baby right now.
-a (kids tank) 2 gallon pico that currently holds a very lonely Paradise fish and used to have 2 aquatic frogs who turned out to be suicidal and took a walk...we are trying to talk him into a shrimp tank, we shall see.
-a 2.5 that we just set up for snail breeding, because...I'm in the market for a Fahaka puffer!
-a 45gal deep tank has been cycling for months while we set up the tang tank and I did my research. (I've been lurking on the box for awhile! Lol) Oh, I've got the puffer bug, and bad! So we're all set and hope to bring home a fahaka sometime this week, the smaller the better for this tank and we'll move over to a 120 or so as he needs it.
I'm glad to be here, for sure...see you around the Box!
In case you don't know from Roy, we've currently got:
-a 10 gal low-tech planted tank with Cherry shrimp, Amano shrimp, Kuhli loaches, Von rio tetras, and various other stragglers that may or may not still be hiding in the plants somewhere.
-a 35 gal tall Tanganyika community: Multi's, some Cypts and Orange Tylo's (thankya Tim!), Gobies, and a lone baby Frontosa. This tank was so fun to set up, it's my (our?) baby right now.
-a (kids tank) 2 gallon pico that currently holds a very lonely Paradise fish and used to have 2 aquatic frogs who turned out to be suicidal and took a walk...we are trying to talk him into a shrimp tank, we shall see.
-a 2.5 that we just set up for snail breeding, because...I'm in the market for a Fahaka puffer!
-a 45gal deep tank has been cycling for months while we set up the tang tank and I did my research. (I've been lurking on the box for awhile! Lol) Oh, I've got the puffer bug, and bad! So we're all set and hope to bring home a fahaka sometime this week, the smaller the better for this tank and we'll move over to a 120 or so as he needs it.
I'm glad to be here, for sure...see you around the Box!