Hello, I'm new to the forums. My father always kept a tank, but i am pretty new to it myself. Started with a ten gallon for my son and has evolved into a 60 gallon community, a recently acquired 29gal and another ten gallon I use as a quarantine. The 29 has yet to be set up (puffer tank maybe?). The 60 is currently stocked with 4 turquoise rainbows, 1male kribensis, 1male blue ram, 1male golden wonder, a white mystery snail, and an awesome male l-144. I'm loving this tank. It is full of silk plants though I have been bitten by the planted tank bug. I have acquired some Asian water moss, dwarf water lettuce, and red root floaters. Trying my hand at growing these before I go fully planted.
Future plans:
Add millennium rainbows if I can find them
Add Parkinsoni or boesemani rainbows
Inject co2
Change gravel substrate
Great forum btw!
Future plans:
Add millennium rainbows if I can find them
Add Parkinsoni or boesemani rainbows
Inject co2
Change gravel substrate
Great forum btw!