been browsing the forum for awhile and finaly decided to join. havnt had an aquarium set up in over 2 years and couldnt stand it any longer. have had freshwater set ups all my life but jumped into reef aquariums with both feet about 5 years ago and loved it. my first was a 55 gallon that was looking great till my uneducated self decided i wanted an anemone and when it bit the dust so did most of my livestock, then downsized to a 20 gallon and lost interest so gave up. recently bought a biocube29 that petsmart had marked down half price and have had it set up for about 3 weeks. as soon as it gets a little more matured i will be ready to start stocking it back with some corals. mostly softies, shrooms and zoas. hope to do some trading or buying from fellow members soon.