someone once told me that computers and water dont mix, but i am going to give it a try! so i guess here is where i talk about my tanks, i just downsized to 9 from 5, had a 75g spring a leak so everybody got moved around.
6g eclipse- 2 bumblebee catfish and a school of black phantom tetras, planted
10g- baby fire eel, only about 6 inches right now, trying to get bigger but hes a picky eater. sand, pvc, java fern
29g- spongebob tank! 3 bolivian rams, furcata rainbows, celebese rainbows, 1 gold gourami, planted
75g- senegal bichir, 1 tiger & 1 red oscar (still small, yes i know they will need a bigger tank), convicts, 1 baby jaguar, 1 w/c texas female, big male blood parrot i rescued from petco, and a featherfin syno ive had for 7 years! bare bottom with anubias tied to driftwood and floating lillies.
125g- my aquascaping masterpiece, angels, 9 corys (labeled as julii at lfs but im uncertain what species they really are), 1 brochis splendens (hes the leader of the corys!), rainbow shark, 1 blind discus (thank you john!), bamboo shrimp, ghost shrimp, and congo tetras. fully planted, driftwood
bettas!- i also have about a dozen betta splendens living in old liquor bottles (big ones), i put moss algae, stargrass, or hornwort in with them and they do really well...
foods- i also culture my own daphnia and gammarus, so easy and fun!
since i work at a big pet store people constantly bring in unwanted/too big fish and i always bring the strays home. i really enjoy helping people new to the hobby get started with their first tanks, saving them the heartache of having to learn by trial and error like i did. i also have 2 cats, a 18 month old rottweiler, a monster 5ft female ball python (theyre not supposed to get that big!), and a 6 year old human boy! my garage is full of empty tanks that i will probably set back up at some point, and im always looking for the next challenge. so i guess my goal here on hfb is to help as much as i can, and hopefully learn a thing or ten. thanks for reading, its great to finally be here!
6g eclipse- 2 bumblebee catfish and a school of black phantom tetras, planted
10g- baby fire eel, only about 6 inches right now, trying to get bigger but hes a picky eater. sand, pvc, java fern
29g- spongebob tank! 3 bolivian rams, furcata rainbows, celebese rainbows, 1 gold gourami, planted
75g- senegal bichir, 1 tiger & 1 red oscar (still small, yes i know they will need a bigger tank), convicts, 1 baby jaguar, 1 w/c texas female, big male blood parrot i rescued from petco, and a featherfin syno ive had for 7 years! bare bottom with anubias tied to driftwood and floating lillies.
125g- my aquascaping masterpiece, angels, 9 corys (labeled as julii at lfs but im uncertain what species they really are), 1 brochis splendens (hes the leader of the corys!), rainbow shark, 1 blind discus (thank you john!), bamboo shrimp, ghost shrimp, and congo tetras. fully planted, driftwood
bettas!- i also have about a dozen betta splendens living in old liquor bottles (big ones), i put moss algae, stargrass, or hornwort in with them and they do really well...
foods- i also culture my own daphnia and gammarus, so easy and fun!
since i work at a big pet store people constantly bring in unwanted/too big fish and i always bring the strays home. i really enjoy helping people new to the hobby get started with their first tanks, saving them the heartache of having to learn by trial and error like i did. i also have 2 cats, a 18 month old rottweiler, a monster 5ft female ball python (theyre not supposed to get that big!), and a 6 year old human boy! my garage is full of empty tanks that i will probably set back up at some point, and im always looking for the next challenge. so i guess my goal here on hfb is to help as much as i can, and hopefully learn a thing or ten. thanks for reading, its great to finally be here!