Hi All. Thanks for inviting me to join your forum. My Name is Curtis I am an avid apito freak. I have currently 24 tanks up and running and 2 ponds some what .I have been keeping aquariums off and on since 1974. I am a collector of apistogrammas and other S.A. species of which I have 12 diferent apistos 11 separate species and 1 in 2 forms/morphs, 3 Discus turquise/blue knight mix,5 Angels 2 pearlscale zebras and 3 black lace,German blue rams,8 Taniaccara candidi,Nannacara anamola, I also keep Killies 6 diff species and various tetras,cats,pencilfish. I hope to be able to make road trips to your area. To visit your LFSs and hopfully aquirer and provide fish. I guess thats about it.
Sincerely Curtis
Sincerely Curtis