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10 Gallon Fast River Set-up

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  • 10 Gallon Fast River Set-up

    hello everyone, i just set up my little river tank and dropped in 2 hillstream loaches and a clown pleco. it has lots of smooth rocks, 2 big pieces of driftwood and a powerhead that moves around 350 gph. i was wondering could anyone with experince with hillstream loaches help me out with them a bit? like would good quality algae wafers and occiasional sheets of alage work for food? what about seaweed sheets? how many could i keep in this tank? and anyone know if zebra danios would like a fast river tank if they had a large area of calmer current to frolic in?

  • #2
    Tlaloc bro, you are moving wayyy too fast. At least introduce yourself.
    Will trade Fish Stuff for Camera Lens and Anime Figures.


    • #3
      I'm curious as to how any driftwood that'll fit in a 10G is considered big? Post up a pic!

      Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


      • #4
        Welcome to the Box. tlaloc there are a few member here with hillstream loachs. this is the introduction part of the site. A place to say hello. This site has 18 dif. topics just in freshwater aquaria. inclueding ( Catfish and other Bottom Dwellers). That ia where you will find Hillstream loachs at. and a few people to give info about them. Good Luck.
        Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


        • #5
          Big driftwood in a 10g ? Pics !!!


          • #6
            Welcome to the box hope you find the info your looking for post up pics of the 10g would love to see what it looks like


            • #7
              Welcome to the box! I am pretty someone on here will have some kind of experience with them... post some pics of the set up.


              • #8
                Pm wesleydownunder... mark isn't on here much anymorw but a pm might get his attention. he setup a real nice hillstream tank awhile back.


                • #9
                  Here's his tank


                  • #10
                    I keep yellow finned hillstreams in my discus tank. I do not do any special feeding regiment, maybe the occasional algae wafers. They seem to be most interested in the little bits of algae that form on the smooth rocks and sides of the tank. They like to get in the stream of air bubbles coming off my air stone and dance around.


                    • #11
                      oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. oops. sorry to just show up and start asking questions hi guys.


                      • #12
                        there's so much info here and i kept getting side tracked while looking for hillstreams that i thought "i'll just post my questions under general and see what happens"


                        • #13
                          oh and thanks jeb, i'll message him then


                          • #14
                            I would like to learn more about hillstream loaches from an owner, these little fish have always interested me but ive never kept them, what are the ups and downs ??

