Greetings to HFB forum from peaceful communitarian:
After weeks of lurking, at last I introduce myself as a returning hobbiest. Much has changed since I kept a 20-long with undergravel filtration and no clue as to basics like water parameters etc.
Current efforts include a couple of small (10g and 20g) Walstad dirtbike tanks which have not yet grown in, a 10g QT tank which ironically is itself re-cycling, and a planted low-tech 29g with 5 A. sidthimunki and 9 rummy nose tetras. This tank is in treatment for ich due to recent re-introduction of a former shoal member who spent the past week being harrassed by a bunch of silvertipped tetras in the 10g dirtbike tank until finally I could net and re-home her.

I don't know what I'm doing but will at least search prior threads before asking questions.
After weeks of lurking, at last I introduce myself as a returning hobbiest. Much has changed since I kept a 20-long with undergravel filtration and no clue as to basics like water parameters etc.
Current efforts include a couple of small (10g and 20g) Walstad dirtbike tanks which have not yet grown in, a 10g QT tank which ironically is itself re-cycling, and a planted low-tech 29g with 5 A. sidthimunki and 9 rummy nose tetras. This tank is in treatment for ich due to recent re-introduction of a former shoal member who spent the past week being harrassed by a bunch of silvertipped tetras in the 10g dirtbike tank until finally I could net and re-home her.

I don't know what I'm doing but will at least search prior threads before asking questions.