I'm from about 3 hours south of most of you. I'm a mom with 4 kids. 2 are in college (A&M and UT) one is in high school and my youngest is 9. I haven't had any tanks set up for several years, but recently set up a 42 hex for the youngest. She is getting such a kick out of learning all about the fish. Just started her with some platies, swordtails and a couple of corys. My experience with plants was always: buy them, watch 'em die, then throw them out. I am determined to set up my 55 as a well-planted tetra tank. While at one of the few decent shops around here, I picked up a used coralife light fixture with 4 65 watt bulbs in it. They assured me that it's what I'll need. Wish I had known of this site and the marketplace. Anyway, be prepared to be peppered with tons of questions about substrate, CO2, etc. from a total newbie. Thanks for having such a helpful site with friendly people.
I'm from about 3 hours south of most of you. I'm a mom with 4 kids. 2 are in college (A&M and UT) one is in high school and my youngest is 9. I haven't had any tanks set up for several years, but recently set up a 42 hex for the youngest. She is getting such a kick out of learning all about the fish. Just started her with some platies, swordtails and a couple of corys. My experience with plants was always: buy them, watch 'em die, then throw them out. I am determined to set up my 55 as a well-planted tetra tank. While at one of the few decent shops around here, I picked up a used coralife light fixture with 4 65 watt bulbs in it. They assured me that it's what I'll need. Wish I had known of this site and the marketplace. Anyway, be prepared to be peppered with tons of questions about substrate, CO2, etc. from a total newbie. Thanks for having such a helpful site with friendly people.