Hello! Haven't been hanging around the Box too long but decided to join (:
Currently I have a single 10-gallon tank with sand and just began trying my hand with live plants...so far the only plant I've managed to keep alive is 2 marimo moss balls, last attempt with an amazon sword didn't go so well. Got a micro sword, a melon sword, couple wisteria and (another) amazon sword...I'm expecting at least one to kick the bucket soon! And I have a sorority of 5 female bettas, all of which are little heathens!
Currently I have a single 10-gallon tank with sand and just began trying my hand with live plants...so far the only plant I've managed to keep alive is 2 marimo moss balls, last attempt with an amazon sword didn't go so well. Got a micro sword, a melon sword, couple wisteria and (another) amazon sword...I'm expecting at least one to kick the bucket soon! And I have a sorority of 5 female bettas, all of which are little heathens!
