I could have sworn I had a membership here a few years ago, but it must have either been deleted from inactivity or I imagined it... But anyway, here I am!
I'm Katy, 26 years old and I come from the exotic land of Paris, Texas. I'm not an aquarium newbie, but I'm certainly not an expert either and everything I do is a learning experience.
I only have 1.5 aquariums now. I say the half aquarium is the itty bitty teeny betta that I'm just looking after for now as s/he grows up. I'm guessing it's a male though and it's going to be a shiny, basic blue veiltail.
My main aquarium right now is a 5 gallon Fluval Spec that is pretty full as it houses 3 bronze corycats, 1 molly, 2 cobalt gobies (that neither I not my fish store know much about, to be honest), and some number of ghost shrimp (AKA The Invert Cleanup Crew). It's also in the process of being heavily planted and everyone and everyone inside seems to be thriving! (The molly will be leaving soon though. He's got such a wonderful, gentle personality and he's beautiful, but he was never meant to stay forever, he was just to help cycle and he's going to go to someone else who has a dedicated molly tank so I can keep the pH a little lower in my tank without causing him discomfort.)
I'll start a thread later with more photos, but here's a couple. Apologies for the low quality, my regular camera's battery was dead so I had to use one that's strictly a point-and-shoot with a terrible (lack of) macro function.

I still need to put in a few more java ferns (definitely my favorite, both because of their look and because of their sheer indestructibility) as well as java moss all over the wood once I find a place to obtain some java moss. The fuzz on the wood is a marimo that was falling apart, so I tied it to the wood just to see if it'll ever anchor. I've heard mixed opinions on whether it will or won't, so I guess time will tell. Once I have the tank fully established, I'm going to add some flashier shrimp and remove the ghosties.
Nice to meet you all! I can't wait to see your aquariums.
I'm Katy, 26 years old and I come from the exotic land of Paris, Texas. I'm not an aquarium newbie, but I'm certainly not an expert either and everything I do is a learning experience.
I only have 1.5 aquariums now. I say the half aquarium is the itty bitty teeny betta that I'm just looking after for now as s/he grows up. I'm guessing it's a male though and it's going to be a shiny, basic blue veiltail.
My main aquarium right now is a 5 gallon Fluval Spec that is pretty full as it houses 3 bronze corycats, 1 molly, 2 cobalt gobies (that neither I not my fish store know much about, to be honest), and some number of ghost shrimp (AKA The Invert Cleanup Crew). It's also in the process of being heavily planted and everyone and everyone inside seems to be thriving! (The molly will be leaving soon though. He's got such a wonderful, gentle personality and he's beautiful, but he was never meant to stay forever, he was just to help cycle and he's going to go to someone else who has a dedicated molly tank so I can keep the pH a little lower in my tank without causing him discomfort.)
I'll start a thread later with more photos, but here's a couple. Apologies for the low quality, my regular camera's battery was dead so I had to use one that's strictly a point-and-shoot with a terrible (lack of) macro function.

I still need to put in a few more java ferns (definitely my favorite, both because of their look and because of their sheer indestructibility) as well as java moss all over the wood once I find a place to obtain some java moss. The fuzz on the wood is a marimo that was falling apart, so I tied it to the wood just to see if it'll ever anchor. I've heard mixed opinions on whether it will or won't, so I guess time will tell. Once I have the tank fully established, I'm going to add some flashier shrimp and remove the ghosties.
Nice to meet you all! I can't wait to see your aquariums.