Hello everyone. I'm new to HFB. Just got back into having an aquarium after almost 16 years or so. As of right now I have set up a 29 gal. betta tank that houses 3 bettas with no separation. Yes, that's 3 male bettas in one tank. Anyways, I'm looking into learning how to aquascape. I find it very interesting and beautiful.
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New to HFB
Welcome aboard! Betta sp. can be housed together in a large enough tank, they have just been hybridized and their aggression focused upon. Most other closely related anabantiods do fine in groups. Many of their relatives are critically endangered or extinct in the wild. Well worth the effort to house and breed them if it interests you. Definitely recommend an RO water unit, they love soft water.In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Desiderius Erasmus
GHAC President