Hey everyone! Right now, I live in DFW, but come August I'll be in College Station as a freshmen at A&M, and figured I ought to find myself some aquarium connections in the general area. It'll be nice getting to know all of you!
My current tanks:
10 gallon- 5" black ghost knife
10 gallon- divided, three bettas
18 gallon- 2 zebra danios, 3 blue danios, 3 Buenos Aires, and a pleco
2 gallon- betta
20 gallon- in the works, no plans yet (maybe a brackish tank? or a goldie tank?)
58 gallon- in the works, will have the ghost knife, 3-4 clown loaches, 1 dwarf gourami, and a school of hatchetfish
My current tanks:
10 gallon- 5" black ghost knife
10 gallon- divided, three bettas
18 gallon- 2 zebra danios, 3 blue danios, 3 Buenos Aires, and a pleco
2 gallon- betta
20 gallon- in the works, no plans yet (maybe a brackish tank? or a goldie tank?)
58 gallon- in the works, will have the ghost knife, 3-4 clown loaches, 1 dwarf gourami, and a school of hatchetfish