Hello! Stumbled across this place while I was researching my next fish! I'm up on the north side of town. After a rough start trying to go from a little 10 gallon to a 60 gallon back in the spring, I've had both tanks inhabited and doing okay for a few months now. The 10 gallon is all shell dwelling cichlid (neolamprologus multifasciatus), about 20 or so of them now with the two batches of fry they just had. Gonna have to find something to do with all these babies!
The 60 gallon is a community with a couple of angels, 4 mollies, sterbai cories, kuhli loaches, a bristlenose pleco, and snails.
I've also got a three gallon bowl with what used to be a koi betta in it. The betta changed color and now he's mostly burgundy with some aqua stripes that come and go through his tail.
So my next venture is going to be a little 6 gallon cylinder tank, got it at the top of my Christmas wish list. I want to put one of those adorable little pea puffers in it. :)
The 60 gallon is a community with a couple of angels, 4 mollies, sterbai cories, kuhli loaches, a bristlenose pleco, and snails.
I've also got a three gallon bowl with what used to be a koi betta in it. The betta changed color and now he's mostly burgundy with some aqua stripes that come and go through his tail.
So my next venture is going to be a little 6 gallon cylinder tank, got it at the top of my Christmas wish list. I want to put one of those adorable little pea puffers in it. :)