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Greetings From Thailand

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  • Greetings From Thailand

    Sawatdee Khrap....( Hello )

    I'm Jeff, from the Uk originally, I have been in Thailand for the last 4 years. At present, in the process of setting up a Betta fish farm but have had to put it on hold, due to the rainy season. I am lucky I have 2 large lakes either side of our home I rent and both are filled with Wild/Thai freshwater spieces including Giant Gourami's, Koi, Roach, Several Species of Catfish, Chub, Carp, and 5/8 ILB one's that look like Giant Pirahna's with teeth to match, also long snouted pipe like fish again with many teeth, locals call them aligator-fish, also many other species but not sure what they are.

    1. This lake belongs to my wifes family who we rent our home from. This pic is taken from the top end from the garden.

    2. Same lake but pic taken from bottom end.

    3. This is the village lake with our home to the right. This lake provides our village with all our water needs except for drinking water. This pic was taken in August before the rains came. Both lakes broke their banks last month November/December and we where flooded twice. Fish everywhere...more pics to come.

    Heres a few Pics of the fish I have caught in the village lake. I have seen big fish in there and I saw a chap put something quite large into the lake the other month. I saw a decent roach missing its stomach on top of the water one day. Pity as we eat the roach when we catch them, as they quite big.

    1. This is a Giant Gourami, that i caught in the village lake. Quite a docile fish, came right upto where I was fishing, had 2 rods out and one just in the water which I was n't using at the time, only took the bait on that one and it was off, good 15 minutes play.
    We got flooded twice last month as both lakes broke their banks. Fish everywhere. Around our lake I have put wire-mesh to deter me dogs from getting over but theres about a 2" gap at the bottom. We lost quite a few from our lake when the floods came including this Giant Gourami, he must of went sideways through the gap. We managed to grab him in a net the first time he got out in the beck/river that runs down the side of our home, but the 2nd time he got out no one seen him. We got told later it was caught in a net further up the beck/river and need I say what happened to it.

    2. This is a smaller Gourami in our lake. We have quite a few of these. If you look closely, you will see an orange bubble near its head, thats its fry. They protect them for about 2 weeks then the fry are left to defend for themselves. They stay in the ball, taken it turns, centre ones rise for air, they then return to the outside of the ball, then the next centre ones rise, they then return to the outside of the ball. This is done many times...Very clever.

    3. This is a nice catfish, the Thais like to eat these, this one I managed to transfer into our lake.

    4. Not sure what this is, but its my favorite from the village lake. I say it was some type of chub. It as a beautiful golden bronze colour. Caught a few of these and they are very tasty.

    If any of you Betta Breeders/Keepers need any Indian Almond Leaves, We have just gathered quite a few freshly fallen leaves, prices are very reasonable and include postage via airmail from Thailand...PM if interested or email me at These leaves are also ideal for gouramis, tetras, arrowana’s, discus, South American dwarf cichlids, some rasboras and some cat-fishes.

    Right me off to see what the rest of you are up to on the forum...

    Laeo phop kan na.....( See You Later )


  • #2
    Re: Greetings From Thailand

    what a sweet location man. good luck on your betta farm
    250gallon-Wild Angels, community


    • #3
      Re: Greetings From Thailand

      My brother's wife is Thai and he wants to retire there some day after he finishes playing GI Joe. It's a gorgeous country.  Good luck!



      • #4
        Re: Greetings From Thailand

        Good luck and welcome to the Box.

        What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

        Robert Anson Heinlein


        • #5
          Re: Greetings From Thailand

          Nice of you to sign up and share all those pictures with the HFB members, might you have a guest room nearby?  

          yes indeed, good luck with the Betta Farm.


          Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


          • #6
            Re: Greetings From Thailand

            What part of Thailand are you from. We might be taking a vacation there this summer. We usually stay in Bankok


            • #7
              Re: Greetings From Thailand

              So many things can be a mystery, when all we're seeking is freedom...


              • #8
                Re: Greetings From Thailand

                Welcome to the houstonfishbox......
                nice pictures thanks for sharing......


                • #9
                  Re: Greetings From Thailand

                  Originally posted by 76dragon";p="
                  What part of Thailand are you from. We might be taking a vacation there this summer. We usually stay in Bankok
                  We are smack bang in the middle of Thailand. 35 clicks from nakhon Sawan, 2 1/2 hours from Bangkok. We live in a little rice/sugarbeet village. There are only 2 farang ( forigners ) here, me and a man from switzerland. We are surrounded by lakes, rivers, rice/sugarbeet fields, mountains and Jungle.

                  I tried pattya but i did not enjoy it, it was not Thailand for me, i lived in london for 22 years so Bangkok was a no/no. So I headed up North, and found

                  We do have a couple of spare rooms here, and if the betta farm does not work we are thinking of renting the villa out as a holiday home, meals and entertainment included. There are plenty of things to see, waterfalls, mountains with wild monkeys and every night at 6pm millions of bats leave caves in the mountains, also the biggest lake in Thailand is not far from here with wild crocadiles. Fishing lakes and golf courses. This place is ideal for families with children also. Me and the girl will move next door as we have two empty condos next door.

                  It's something we are thinking of so will keep you all informed.



                  • #10
                    Re: Greetings From Thailand

                    Bring the Rain


                    • #11
                      Re: Greetings From Thailand

                      those pipe nose fish you were talking about my whats called an alligator gar
                      altums 90 gallon
                      fahaka puffer 68
                      community 60 cube

                      can't find it make it
                      can find it make it better


                      • #12
                        Re: Greetings From Thailand

                        neat stuff.  
                        good luck on the betta farm.
                        Help support (C)atfish (A)nd (K)ool Pleco's; Houston's premier fish club
                        Alexa Rae
                        Co-President of CAK
                        MAY THE GOD OF YOUR CHOICE BLESS YOU.


                        • #13
                          Re: Greetings From Thailand

                          That is too cool.  Thanks for sharing.  How did you hear about the Houston Fishbox?  There is also a DFW fishbox.


                          • #14
                            I want a Super Red or Chili Red Aro.....
                            700g Mini-Monster tank

