Hey all!
I've been keeping fish in one form or another for about 7 years now. I currently have the following tanks: A couple of Betta spheres 72g bowfront fresh (currently has cichlids which will be moving) 55g fresh (bristlenose pleco tank) 10g snail tank 50g salt reef tank 5g neon tetra tank (getting ready to combine with snails) 26g bow fresh (figure eight puffer colony tank) I'm getting ready to add a 200g octagonal reef system and a 100+g cichlid tank.
I've been keeping fish in one form or another for about 7 years now. I currently have the following tanks: A couple of Betta spheres 72g bowfront fresh (currently has cichlids which will be moving) 55g fresh (bristlenose pleco tank) 10g snail tank 50g salt reef tank 5g neon tetra tank (getting ready to combine with snails) 26g bow fresh (figure eight puffer colony tank) I'm getting ready to add a 200g octagonal reef system and a 100+g cichlid tank.