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LF - mechanic to finish a head job

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  • LF - mechanic to finish a head job

    i had someone start it but he cant finish it because he started working again. my car has been sitting up for almost 3months. i need someone to finish it. the back head has already been put in. pm me if interested.
    Last edited by Rico; 09-10-2009, 01:39 PM.

  • #2
    i just love a torn down mess.looks like a caddy.northstar?if its been sitting for 3 months,probably more going on than your bud getting a job


    • #3
      its a northstar. yea there is more he had his first child too. he never has time to come by. he's working alot of hours as a manager. he was working on my car and my dads truck. has not had time to come by in months.


      • #4
        you been better off pulling the motor.for sure you have to time sert the head bolt holes.others also.if you dont,when you torque head down ,gonna pull the threads out of the block.chance of torquing all them bolts down successfully without timeserts-zero


        • #5
          when you say timeserts do you mean they hav to be bolted back on in a certain time? i got the complete head gaskets and new bolts. i also have the torque specs.


          • #6
            timesert=thread repair.drill the old threads out,tap hole with new threads,install threaded insert,aka timesert.


            • #7
              i had a mobile mechanic come look at it but he turned the job down. he said its too complicated because of the timing chain and cams


              • #8
                yeah,i cant think of anything good to say about a boss been burned a couple of times on he just turns them the dealer,we just sold a engine reseal to cover our butt.around 35 hr labor + parts+whatever else found along the bet-find a really deep ditch and push your car in it.


                • #9
                  im not that desperate. i just bought another cadillac, but i would like to get this one moving and paint it. i have invested alot of money in the alarm and sound system.


                  • #10
                    Find a junk yard motor.

                    That one pictured I don't think I know anyone sick enough to touch.
                    700g Mini-Monster tank


                    • #11
                      +1 on the junkyard motor.the motor comes out the bottom,you need a rack.not saying you cant do it from the top,but........................................... .............


                      • #12
                        +1 dropping the whole subframe would have been how I would have done it.

                        Probably get around without having a rack if you can find jacks that lift is high enough or just have the whole subframe sit lower to the ground to allow for clearance.

                        But honestly how it's looking now you probably better off just getting a complete junkyard motor. Going in after someone else tore it apart is just asking for problems and who's to say it will even run right afterwards.
                        700g Mini-Monster tank


                        • #13
                          yeah,subframe and all it comes pretty easy.i'm gonna guess the bottom of the sill will need to be 4 ft off the ground,yikes.did you check the heads for hot did
                          it get.if you want to try and do this yourself i might come over to point you in the right direction,but only if ek will come by and call us fools for trying

                          no guarantee a junkyard motor will be right either


                          • #14
                            i took the heads to a machine shop. they told that they didnt run hot enough to warp but were real clogged up so i went ahead and just had them rebuilt. total was $630 with all the bolts and gaskets.


                            • #15
                              getting a junkyard motor would be more $$ and no guarantee on motor lasting. i know this motor is good and the heads are basicaly like new now.

