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For Sale

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  • For Sale

    I am editing this to re-list some stuff, and have less items so it is easier to read.

    I am moving at the end of the month. It might be in state, it might be out of state, but I am still unemployed. My ex left me with no savings (stupid leech) so I need to raise money to be able to move. I am putting this stuff up for sale. I will take cash or paypal, and checks from people I know. All items are flexible in pricing, and I will let it go for a reasonable offer. I can't deliver the largest items (they won't fit in my little car!) but can deliver others within the sw houston/meyerland area.

    - nearly new IKEA futon with purple cover. Folds out to a full size bed, great for guests. will freshly launder cover before pickup 125.00

    - Chest freezer - slightly dented on top, no rust, good for stocking up on food - 100.00

    - marble topped coffee table - very nice - 40.00

    - Papasan style chair - 25.00

    - porch swing - free standing - 40.00

    - Wooden table, painted purple - used as outdoor furniture - could be cleaned and brought indoors 30.00

    - China cabinet - re-stained - 70.00 glass doors on top.

    - Wooden book case (solid), about 6' long, 2 shelves, good for under a window, 30.00

    I can be reached at
    Last edited by Krisvalkyrie; 07-19-2009, 01:37 AM. Reason: update for pics

  • #2
    bump for updates, listing only furniture, other items will be in a separate post.


    • #3
      bump for new pics


      • #4
        Freezer has sold.

        Willing to take 100 obo for the futon.

        60.00 for the china cabinet

        30 for the porch swing.

