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7 week old female pit

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  • 7 week old female pit

    I acquired a new puppy. She is awesome in every way. Casey is 7 weeks old and is doing great on house training and being crate trained. She is 10 lbs., and has had her first set of shots.

    I had plans for her to become a therapy dog for assisted living homes and children's hospitals and if the adopter wants, I can get them pointed in the right direction on to become a certified therapy dog.

    Casey is very playful and listens well for being so young. We are working on sitting and the potty training, she will give you the sad puppy eyes when you tell her no. I warning you, the eyes will make you melt.

    I decided to continue my education full time as well as working full time. She will need more time then I will be able to give her. For Casey's best interests I want some one who will have more time for her.

    I will include her crate and bedding. If you are interested please pm me fore more info.

    A wife, two kids and two cats.

  • #2
    Beautiful girl. I hope you find her an awesome forever home. The eyes get you, every time!
    180g - 2 Red Oscars, 1 Tiger Oscar, 1 JD, Convicts, convicts & more convicts
    75g - 1 Silver Aro, 1 Mean Koi Angel
    50g - Various platy & mollies
    10g - 1 Green Spotted Puffer


    • #3
      if i didn't already have so many...
      my fish house:
      2.5g- ramshorn hatchery
      6g eclipse- yellow shrimp, chili rasboras, yellow apple snails
      29g- geo grow-out, angels, 12"fire eel, dwarf frog, apple snails
      45g- jade sleeper gobies, native killifish, feeder endlers

      2 oscars, parrot, silver dollars, albino channel cat, syno euptera, bichir, baby jaguar, convicts, yabby
      125g- fahaka puffer, rainbow shark
      and about a dozen bettas....


      • #4
        Reminds me of my little Ivory

        Zeus and Ivory.jpg

        Wish I had room. I would grab her in a heartbeat.
        210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
        125g Mdoka White Lip

        "Success is the willingness to fail"

