Looking to buy or trade for Madden 13 and have had no luck on Craigslist...Let me know the price or I have a few things available for trade:
7-clown loaches in 2.5-3.5" range fat and healthy...
2- male ABN plecos about 4" or so...
3- small assorted African cichlids from Petsmart
1- small demasoni
1-mystery Petsmart tropheus lol
2- 3" obliquidens haps 1m/1f
Aqueon 20 hob filter
Let me know if you got one around the house collecting dust Text David 832-788-0606...
7-clown loaches in 2.5-3.5" range fat and healthy...
2- male ABN plecos about 4" or so...
3- small assorted African cichlids from Petsmart
1- small demasoni
1-mystery Petsmart tropheus lol
2- 3" obliquidens haps 1m/1f
Aqueon 20 hob filter
Let me know if you got one around the house collecting dust Text David 832-788-0606...