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Support needed to Oppose HR 669, A bill to block the importation of nonnative species

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  • Support needed to Oppose HR 669, A bill to block the importation of nonnative species

    Please spread the word!!

    APRIL 23, 2009


    The Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act (H.R. 669), introduced by Del. Madeleine Bordallo (D-Guam) Chair of the Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife of the House Natural Resources Committee
    would totally revamp how nonnative species are regulated under the Lacey Act.

    Currently, the Fish and Wildlife Service is required to demonstrate that a species is injurious [harmful] to health and welfare of humans, the interests of agriculture, horticulture or forestry, and the welfare and survival of
    wildlife resources of the U.S.

    HR 669 substantially complicates that process by compelling the Service to produce two lists after conducting a risk assessment for each nonnative wildlife species to determine if it is likely to “cause economic or
    environmental harm or harm to other animal species’ health or human health.” In order to be placed on the “Approved List” it must be established that the species has not, or is not likely, to cause “harm” anywhere in the
    US. Species that are considered potentially harmful would be placed on an “Unapproved List.” Furthermore, HR 669 would essentially ban all species that do not appear on the Approved List, regardless of whether or not they
    have ever been petitioned for listing or are sufficiently well studied to enable a listing determination.

    Species not appearing on the “Approved List” could not be imported into the United States; therefore, all unapproved nonnative species could not be moved interstate. In addition, trade in all such unlisted species would
    come to a halt – possession would be limited and all breeding would cease. Unless those species are included on the approved list import, export, transport, and breeding would be prohibited. Exceptions are limited and would not be available to pet owners across the nation.


    Nonnative species in the pet trade encompass virtually every bird, reptile, fish and a number of mammals (e.g., hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, ferrets) commonly kept as pets. It is immaterial under HR 669 that the

    • Vast majority of these nonnative species in the pet trade have been in the United States in large numbers for decades, some for hundreds of years, and have not proven to be an environmental problem.
    • Numerous species are raised in the United States for many purposes, pets, recreational fishing and hunting, food, etc.
    • Only a small number of species kept as pets have caused environmental problems, and this has generally been on a very localized basis (i.e. southern Florida, Hawaii).
    • Most states have exercised their authority to regulate problem species within their own borders through a mixture of management regimes ranging from permit systems to bans. HR669 - March 31, 2009
    • The HR 669 listing criteria mandates proving a negative – that no harm has or is likely to occur within whole of the entire United States.
    • The “risk assessment” process is too limited in scope and application and should instead be a a broader “risk analysis” that also takes into consideration socio-economic factors and mitigation (management) measures that might be utilized by the federal and state agencies.

    HR 669 would employ a 2-step process of a Preliminary and a Final Approved List along with the Services having to promulgate regulations not only to deal with creation of the lists but also regulating all aspects of this
    rather complex bill. The Service would have to complete major portions of the list and regulation process within 24 months of passage. Imagine how the Service will be able to conduct the required risk assessment outlined in
    HR 669 within these timeframes when it takes on average 4 years for the Service to find a species harmful under the current Lacey Act. The bill sets up the under-resourced Service for failure and numerous lawsuits by activist groups.

    Listing Process - To list or not to list? -- That is the question!

    The listing process is somewhat complex. To place a species on the Preliminary Approved List (at some point in time converts to a Final Approved List) the Service must make a determination that those listed species, based on scientific and commercial information, are

    • Not harmful to the United State’s economy, environment or other animals’ or human health OR
    • May be harmful “but already are so widespread in the United States that it is clear to the Secretary that any import prohibitions or restrictions would have no practical utility for the United States.”

    While proponents would argue that this test would not be as rigorous as the ultimate test set forth in HR 669, PIJAC is at a loss how one proves no harm under the alleged simplified test for inclusion on the “Preliminary
    Approved List.”

    To get on the ultimate “Approved List ” (accomplished within 37 months), the Service would have to complete risk assessments, not risk analysis, using the following criteria. The assessors would have to make a determination based on:

    • Species identified to species level, and if possible information to subspecies level;
    • Native range of the species (which may or not be fully known);
    • Whether species has established, spread, or caused harm to the economy, the environment, or other animal species or human health in ecosystems in or ecosystems similar to those in the US;
    • Environmental conditions exist in the US that suitable for establishment of the species;
    • Likelihood of establishment in the US;
    • Likelihood of speared in the US;
    • Likelihood species would harm wildlife resources of the US;
    • Likelihood the species would harm native species that are “rare” (not defined) or listed under Endangered Species Act;
    • Likelihood species would harm habitats or ecosystems of the US;
    • Likelihood “pathogenic species or parasitic species may accompany the species proposed for importation;” and
    • Other factors “important to assessing the risk associated with the species”.

    Once a determination is made, the Service will place a species on one of 3 lists

    • Approved List
    • Unapproved List
    • The “Non-list” (section 4(2)(C)) for species for which “the Secretary has insufficient scientific and commercial information to make a determination “ whether to approve or disapprove.

    User Fees
    HR 669 also calls for the establishment of a user fee system for funding assessments following the adoption of the “Preliminary Approved List.” This has been a long term desire of animal activist and environmental protectionist organizations since they know that user fees can become cost prohibitive and virtually eliminate small interest groups or business from participating in the process. It can easily paralyze access except for the wealthy or those living off of tax exempt dollars who use the system to drive their agendas. Furthermore, fees are not made available to the Service until 36 months into the process. It is not clear how the Service would implement the first three years of work under HR 669.

    According to the Defenders of Wildlife "For far too long the pet, aquarium and other industries have imported live animals to the United States without regard to their harm…" Defenders, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) are part of a coalition pushing hard for passage of this bill without amendments.

    A HEARING has been scheduled for April 23 and the pet industry needs to be heard load and clear prior to the hearing! The anti-trade elements are hard at work to stop activities involving non-native species.

    A copy of HR 669 can be found on PIJAC’s website in the “Breaking News” and the “HR669 Forum” sections of the Read the bill carefully since it could shut down major segments of the pet industry virtually overnight.

    PIJAC POSITION -- PIJAC supports the underlying intent of HR 669 to establish a risk-based process in order to prevent the introduction of potentially invasive species. It has been clear for quite some time that steps are needed to enhance and improve the current listing process for species shown to be injurious under the Lacey Act. In addition to much needed appropriations to fund staff and other ancillary support aids, the Lacey Act needs to be modernized to make the process more timely, efficient and transparent. However, HR 669 falls far short of accomplishing this objective.

    CONTACT MEMBERS OF THE SUBCOMITTEE (see contact information below) by

    • emailing or faxing your opposition to HR 669 to their offices in Washington DC urging them to amend
    • the bill
    • ALSO contact their district offices
    • voice your opposition
    • and request a meeting with the representative when they are back in the District

    It is also important to organize like-minded people in your district so several of you can visit with your representative at the same time.

    A few talking points:

    The approach taken in HR 669 will adversely impact trade and other activities involving nonnative species without utilizing a scientifically valid approach – even in the limited instances in which sufficient data are available on the biology and range of species, it will be virtually impossible to prove that they could not establish and spread in some portion of the US. Thus, it will be nearly impossible to get species on the “Approved List” unless they are so widespread in the country already.

    The degree of uncertainty that will result by applying the “as if” criteria will result in virtually every species ending up on the list for which there is insufficient information to make a decision DESPITE THE FACT that most of these species have been in trade, recreational use, farming, etc. for decades with only a small percentage of species being problematic and then in localized situations

    A one size assessment process fits all species is not plausible – what may be harmful in Hawaiian waters would not be harmful in Kansas or the deserts of Arizona or Texas.

    HR 669 overly simplifies the complexity of the issue; bans all species unless they can get on an approved list; the criteria for the Approved List are not realistic; the lists are biased towards those entities that can afford to engage in the process – undoubtedly the USFWS will be paralyzed by activist animal rights and protectionist environmental organizations petitioning for species to be unapproved;

    The USFWS does not have the capacity to implement the provisions given limited staff, money, and unrealistic timeliness; and the unintended consequences of a sloppy bill could actually be to facilitate the mass release of animals, and/or their mass euthanasia.

    HR 669 does not take into consideration the socio-economic complexity of the issue. Stakeholders dependent upon access to non-native species include diverse interests: pet industry, sports fishing, federal/state hatcheries, agriculture, biomedical research, entertainment, hunting, food aquaculture. Currently, thousands of non-natives species are both imported and exported, as well as captive raised (in some instances farmed on ranched) within the United States. While most of these species are never
    intended for release into natural environments, some of these species (e.g. oysters, trout, bass, deer, game birds) are managed by government and private entities throughout the US.

    HR 669 calls for a risk assessment when, in fact, a risk analysis process is warranted. A risk assessment only considers biological indices related to potential invasiveness, while a risk analysis considers both these, as well as socio-economic factors, including potential management options. A risk analysis can enable strategic decisions to be made, such as enabling certain species to continue in trade/transport if the risks of invasion could be sufficiently management (e.g. d HR 669 treats the entire United States as if it is a single ecosystem and ignores the historic definition of invasive species that applies to a specific ecosystem, not the political boundaries of the United States as an ecosystem.

    Setting criteria in statute removes flexibility that could be achieved through rulemaking since a “one-sizefits-all” process is not appropriate for all taxa, regions of the country, proposed usage of the species, etc.

    Deadlines are unrealistic. While we recognize the rationale for placing timeframes on USFWS, deadlines cause lawsuits; deadlines mandate action for unfunded mandates; two (2) years is unrealistic to conduct an assessment (even a rough screen) of literally thousands of species (1) imported, (2) raised in US for local markets as well as exports, and (3) imported as well as raised in US.

    Animals owned prior to prohibition of importation (Section 2(f)) is major departure from current prohibitions under Lacey Act. HR 669 would allow possession of “an animal” if prove legally owned pre-launch of assessment. There is no indication as to what it takes to prove legality? Nor would one
    know when an assessment of a particular species was launched.

    Assuming that more than a handful of non-native species end up on an approved list, enforcement of a list of species that have been in trade for decades will be more difficult than a dirty list. It is well established that only a small percentage of the species in trade have been shown to be “invasive.” The ornamental aquarium industry, for example, deals with more than 2,500 species of freshwater and marine fish. A handful of species have been found to be a problem in Southern Florida, but not elsewhere in the US; some found to be a problem in Hawaii are not a problem in Kansas.

    Promulgation of regulations implementing the HR 669 process will be complex and doubtful if can be achieved within prescribed timeframe, especially if USFWS is to simultaneously conduct thousands of assessments on species already in trade.

    ACT NOW – Also alert your employees, friends, neighbors, competitors, and any other like-minded people and urge them to take time to respond to this unworkable approach to dealing with f an issue of concern to all of us.


    If you have questions or wish to express your views to PIJAC, please contact Marshall Meyers or Bambi Nicole Osborne by phone at 202-452-1525 or via email at or

    House Committee on Natural Resources
    Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans & Wildlife
    187 Ford House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/226-0200 (Tel.)
    202/225-1542 (Fax)

    Madeleine Z. Bordallo (Ch)(NP-Guam)

    427 Cannon House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515-5301
    202/225-1188 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/226-0341 (Washington Fax #)

    120 Father Duenas Ave., Suite 107
    Hagatna, GUAM 96910
    671/477-4272 (District Tel. #)
    671/477-2587 (District Fax #)

    Neil Abercrombie (D-HI)
    1502 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-2726 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-4580 (Washington Fax #)

    Prince Kuhio Federal Building
    300 Ala Moana Blvd. – Room 4-104
    Honolulu, HI 96850
    808/541-2570 (District Tel. #)
    808/533-0133 (District Fax #)

    Henry Brown (R-SC)
    103 Cannon House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-3176 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-3407 (Washington Fax #)

    1800 North Oak Street, Suite C
    Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
    843/445-6459 (District Tel. #)
    843/445-6418 (District Fax #)

    5900 Core Avenue, Suite 401
    North Charleston, SC 29406
    843/747-4175 (District Tel. #)
    843/747-4711 (District Fax #)

    Lois Capps (D-CA)
    1110 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-3601 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-5632 (Washington Fax #)

    2675 N. Ventura Road, Suite 105
    Port Hueneme, CA 93041
    805/985-6807 (District Tel. #)
    805/985-6875 (District Fax #)
    301 E Carrillo Street, Suite A

    Santa Barbara, CA 93101
    805/730-1710 (District Tel. #)
    805/730-9153 (District Fax #)

    William Cassidy (R-LA)
    506 Cannon House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-3901 (District Tel. #)
    202/225-7313 (District Fax #)

    5555 Hilton Avenue, Suite 100
    Baton Rouge, LA 70808
    225/929-7711 (District Tel. #)
    225/929-7688 (District Fax #)

    Jason Chaffetz (R-UT)
    1032 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-7751 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-5629 (Washington Fax #)

    51 South University Ave., Suite 319
    Provo, UT 84601
    801/851-2500 (District Tel. #)
    801/851-2509 (District Fax #)

    Donna M. Christensen (NP-Virgin Islands)
    1510 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-1790 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-5517 (Washington Fax #)

    Nisky Business Center
    Second Floor, Suite 207
    St. Croix, VIRGIN ISLANDS 00802
    340/778-4408 (District Tel. #)
    340/778-8033 (District Fax #)

    P.O. Box 5980
    Sunny Isle Shopping Center, Space 25
    St. Croix, VIRGIN ISLANDS 00823
    340/778-5900 (District Tel. #)
    340/778-5111 (District Fax #)

    Diana L. DeGette (D-CO)

    2335 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-4431 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-5657 (Washington Fax #)

    600 Grant Street, Suite 202
    Denver, CO 80203
    303/844-4988 (District Tel. #)
    303/844-4996 (District Fax #)

    Eni F.H. Faleomavaega (NP – American Samoa)

    2422 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-8577 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-8757 (Washington Fax #)

    P.O. Box, Drawer X
    Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA 96799
    684/633-1372 (District Tel. #)
    684/633-2680 (District Fax #)

    Jeff Flake (R-AZ)
    240 Cannon House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-2635 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/226-4386 (Washington Fax #)

    1640 South Stapley, Suite 215
    Mesa, AZ 85204
    480/833-0092 (District Tel. #)
    480/833-6314 (District Fax #)

    John Fleming (R-LA)

    1023 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-2777 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-8039 (Washington Fax #)

    6425 Youree Drive, Suite 350
    Shreveport, LA 71105
    318/798-2254 (District Tel. #)
    318/798-2063 (District Fax #)

    Southgate Plaza Shopping Center
    1606 Fifth Street
    Leesville, LA 71446
    337/238-0778 (District Tel. #)
    337/238-0566 (District Fax #)

    Doc Hastings (R-WA)
    1203 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515-4704
    202/225-5816 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-3251 (Washington Fax #)

    2715 St. Andrews Loop, Suite D
    Pasco, WA 99301
    509/543-9396 (District Tel. #)
    509/545-1972 (District Fax #)

    302 East Chestnut Street
    Yakima, WA 98901
    509/452-3243 (District Tel. #)
    509/452-3438 (District Fax #)

    Dale E. Kildee (D-MI)
    2107 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-3611 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-6393 (Washington Fax #)

    432 N. Saginaw Street, Suite 410
    Bay City, MI 48708
    989/891-0990 (District Tel. #)
    989/891-0994 (District Fax #)

    515 N. Washington Avenue, Suite 401
    Saginaw, MI 48607
    989/755-8904 (District Tel. #)
    989/755-8908 (District Fax #)

    Ronald James Kind (D-WI)

    1406 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-5506 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-5739 (Washington Fax #)

    205 Fifth Ave. South, Suite 400
    La Crosse, WI 54601
    608/782-2558 (District Tel. #)
    608/782-4588 (District Fax #)

    131 South Barstow Street, Suite 301
    Eau Claire, WI 54701
    715/831-9214 (District Tel. #)
    715/831-9272 (District Fax #)

    Frank M. Kratovil, Jr. (D-MD)
    314 Cannon House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-5311 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-0254 (Washington Fax #)

    102 Turpins Lane
    Centreville, MD 21617
    443/262-9136 (District Tel. #)
    443/262-9713 (District Fax #)

    Douglas L. Lamborn (R-CO)
    437 Cannon House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-4422 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/226-2638 (Washington Fax #)

    415 Main Street
    Buena Vista, CO 81211
    719/520-0055 (District Tel. #)
    719/520-0840 (District Fax #)

    1271 Kelly Johnson Blvd., Suite 110
    Colorado Springs, CO 80920
    719/520-0055 (District Tel. #)
    719/520-0840 (District Fax #)

    Frank J. Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ)
    237 Cannon House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515-3006
    202/225-4671 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-9665 (Washington Fax #)

    67/69 Church Street, Kilmer Square
    New Brunswick, NJ 08901
    732/249-8892 (District Tel. #)
    732/249-1335 (District Fax #)

    504 Broadway
    Long Branch, NJ 07740
    732/571-1140 (District Tel. #)
    732/870-3890 (District Fax #)

    Pedro R. Pierluisi (NP-Puerto Rico)

    1218 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-2615 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-2154 (Washington Fax #)

    250 Calle Fortaleza Old
    San Juan, PUERTO RICO 00901
    787/723-6333 (District Tel. #)
    787/723-6333 (District Fax #)

    Nick Joe Rahall, II (D-WV)
    2307 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-3452 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-9061 (Washington Fax #)

    601 Federal Street, Room 1005
    Bluefield, WV 24701
    304/325-6222 (District Tel. #)
    304/325-0552 (District Fax #)

    301 Prince Street
    Beckley, WV 25801
    304/252-5000 (District Tel. #)
    304/252-9803 (District Fax #)

    Gregorio Sablan (I- Mariana Islands)
    423 Cannon House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-2646 (Washington Tel. #)

    Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH)
    1330 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-5456 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-5822 (Washington Fax #)

    33 Lowell Street
    Manchester, NH 03101
    603/641-9536 (District Tel. #)
    603/641-9561 (District Fax #)

    104 Washington Street
    Dover, NH 03820
    603/743-4813 (District Tel. #)
    603/743-5956 (District Fax #)

    Robert J. Wittman (R-VA)
    1123 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-4261 (Washington Tel. #)

    3504 Plank Road, Suite 203
    Fredericksburg, VA 22407
    540/548-1086 (District Tel. #)

    4904-B George Washington Memorial Hwy.
    Yorktown, VA 23692
    757/874-6687 (District Tel. #)

    Donald E. Young (R-AK)
    2111 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202/225-5765 (Washington Tel. #)
    202/225-0425 (Washington Fax #)

    101 12th Avenue, #10
    Fairbanks, AK 99701-6275
    907/456-0210 (District Tel. #)
    907/456-0279 (District Fax #)

    Peterson Tower Building
    510 L Street, Suite 580
    Anchorage, AK 99501-1954
    907/271-5978 (District Tel. #)
    907/271-5950 (District Fax #)

    PDF of the actual bill!

  • #2
    Constitution Bump
    Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


    • #3
      That's interesting reading. We gonna have to do something about this now.


      • #4
        I knew something like this would be coming soon..


        • #5
          First they take over private companies... now they tell us what pets we can or cannot keep..... welcome to the U.S.S.A!

          Guys.. better start collecting those sulawesi shrimp!


          • #6
            Raise hand...this bill been in the works for a few years...just some fyi


            • #7
              For those that don't like to read all the verbage, check this out!

              Could your right to keep pets be taken away from you?? Please watch this video and send it to everyone you know so we all can take action!!!!!!!
              215g Malawi Peacocks and Mbuna
              180g Tropheus Ikola and Bemba and Clown Loaches
              58g Bristlenose breeding and grow out


              • #8
                This is bs

                this is total and utter BS!!!

                so few sp. are harmfull, that it is a total waste of time and money to do something this large!
                Last edited by TaTeR ToT; 04-17-2009, 10:43 PM.
                FRENCH FRY!!!

                55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


                • #9
                  not to mention the economical harm that will happen if it passes
                  Never fear I is here
                  David Abeles
                  Vice President
                  Greater Houston Aquarium Club


                  • #10
                    sample letter

                    On your club or organization letterhead


                    House Committee on Natural Resources
                    Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans & Wildlife
                    187 Ford House Office Building
                    Washington, DC 20515

                    Re: (Your club or organization name) OPPOSES HR 669

                    Dear Mr. Chairman and Honorable Committee Members,

                    (Your club or organization name) OPPOSES HR 669 and we ask that you vote NO ON HR 669, and that you do not allow it to pass out of your committee.

                    (Your club or organization name) represents (# or approximate #) people who will be harmed by HR 669 if it becomes law.

                    Our members own, work with, or have businesses that provide services for, non-native animal species (give examples of the animals your members own, work with, or provide services for), which have been in this country for many years without causing harm to the environment, to native species, or to human health. Our members are responsible owners and businesses, and there is no reason to believe that the non-native species that we own, work with, or provide services for, will cause future harm to the environment, to native species, or to human health.

                    While the stated intent of HR 669 is to protect the environment, HR 669 will not achieve that stated purpose. Instead, HR 669 will cause great harm to non-native species both inside and outside of the US , and to the people who own them or whose businesses depend on them.

                    Please do not allow HR 669 to pass out of your committee.

                    Very truly yours,

                    (Club or Organization)
                    'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
                    He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


                    • #11
                      This is terrible!! I hope it won't pass. Then the hobby will have to go underground.

                      "Hey so I'll come by later to pick up Nemo."
                      "Yeah sure. Just bring the money. I'll bag him up for you this afternoon."

                      So that's a really bad example but... :furious:

                      I mean are they really going to ban all WC fish? All fish that aren't native? Just because a few species breed uncontrollably in parts of the South if they are released. They should take the time to research which fish do and don't harm the native wildlife. They could just crack down on those that do release fish into wild. And maybe educate those that work at fish stores, so that they educate their customers, so that the customer doesn't buy the wrong fish for their tank/setup. SO that they don't feel the need to dump them.


                      • #12
                        Phone calls making a difference

                        They have gotten more phone calls about HR 669 than the Economic Stimulus bill!!!

                        TODAY - Call (see their phone numbers below).

                        Tell them:

                        I ( own / breed / make or sell products for ) a non native pet animal ( fish, bird, mouse, rat, hamster, guineau pig, iguana, turtle, snake, name your exotic species ...)

                        Then ask them:

                        1. Where in HR 669 does it say pets are protected from the prohibitions of HR 669?

                        2. Where in HR 669 does it say my non native pet animal will be included on the approved list?

                        3. Where in HR 669 does it say I can breed my non native pet animal?

                        4. Where in HR 669 does it say I can sell my non native pet animal?

                        5. Where in HR 669 does it say I can transfer my non native pet animal to someone else?

                        6. Where in HR 669 does it say I can take my non native pet animal across state lines or out of the US, or return to the US with my animal?

                        7. FINALLY - If you can see that non native pet animals are not protected under HR 669, please vote NO tomorrow in the committee.

                        Keep calling!! The hearing is at 10AM EST, you can call right up to the hearing!

                        * * *
                        Madeleine Z. Bordallo (Ch)(NP-Guam)
                        202/225-1188 - Sponsor of the Bill, For it, Staffers telling people that they are over reacting and that their pets will be safe

                        Neil Abercrombie (D-HI)
                        202/225-2726 - Co-Sponsor of the Bill, For it, One staffer told me personally that “it’s going to pass”

                        Henry Brown (R-SC)
                        202/225-3176 - Opposes the bill, most vocal opposition on the subcommittee, USARK did a great job with Rep Brown!!

                        Lois Capps (D-CA)
                        202/225-3601 -Undecided at this time

                        William Cassidy (R-LA)
                        202/225-3901 - Undecided at this time (we need to keep calling and asking for his help!!!)

                        Jason Chaffetz (R-UT)
                        202/225-7751 - Strongly opposed!!!

                        Donna M. Christensen (NP-Virgin Islands)
                        202/225-1790 - Undecided at this time

                        Diana L. DeGette (D-CO)
                        202/225-4431 - Undecided at this time

                        Eni F.H. Faleomavaega (NP – American Samoa)
                        202/225-8577 - Undecided at this time

                        Jeff Flake (R-AZ)
                        202/225-2635 - Likely to oppose

                        John Fleming (R-LA)
                        202/225-2777 - Undecided at this time

                        Doc Hastings (R-WA)
                        202/225-5816 - Undecided at this time

                        Dale E. Kildee (D-MI)
                        202/225-3611 - Co-Sponsor of the Bill, was For it but due to the volume of calls in opposition is “re-thinking” his position. GET ON HIM!! This can make a huge difference!! !

                        Ronald James Kind (D-WI)
                        202/225-5506 - Co-Sponsor, For it

                        Frank M. Kratovil, Jr. (D-MD)
                        202/225-5311 - Undecided at this time, Spoke to Legislative staffers and they are very interested in the businesses that would be hurt and why there is such strong opposition.

                        Douglas L. Lamborn (R-CO)
                        202/225-4422 - Undecided at this time

                        Frank J. Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ)
                        202/225-4671 - For it

                        Pedro R. Pierluisi (NP-Puerto Rico)
                        202/225-2615 - Undecided at this time

                        Nick Joe Rahall, II (D-WV)
                        202/225-3452 - Undecided at this time

                        Gregorio Sablan (I- Mariana Islands)
                        202/225-2646 - Co-Sponsor, For it

                        Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH)
                        202/225-5456 - Undecided at this time. Reports that staffers seem agitated by calls.

                        Robert J. Wittman (R-VA)
                        202/225-4261 -Opposed

                        Donald E. Young (R-AK)
                        202/225-5765 - Undecided at this time

                        Watch the H..R.669 Hearing LIVE TODAY April 23 at 10:00am Eastern Standard Time

                        CLICK HERE!
                        http://resourcescom gov/index. php?option= com_content& task=view& id=273&Itemid
                        'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
                        He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


                        • #13
                          Which number should I call? I don't see a TX.
                          Fish are people too, they just have gills.


                          • #14
                            Its already started


                            • #15
                              They are still taking calls! Keep calling!
                              Fish are people too, they just have gills.

