So our vacuum broke yesterday and we decided to go and get a new one at Bed, bath & beyond. Before we leave, I notice it getting dark out. I go outside and the clouds are really dark and blue. Once we leave I decided to take some pics on the way.
Here is what I saw:

We had to wait in the parking lot because it was raining hard and there was lightning everywhere. The lightning started to get closer and hit a light post that was about 75ft. away! There was just a ball of white and then a crackle! It shorted it out and made sparks fly everywhere! After it all settled down, we went in the store and got the vacuum. We came out to this rainbow and a neat lightning show!

Here is what I saw:

We had to wait in the parking lot because it was raining hard and there was lightning everywhere. The lightning started to get closer and hit a light post that was about 75ft. away! There was just a ball of white and then a crackle! It shorted it out and made sparks fly everywhere! After it all settled down, we went in the store and got the vacuum. We came out to this rainbow and a neat lightning show!
