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Just For Fun: Online Fish Games!

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  • Just For Fun: Online Fish Games!

    The other day I got to thinking about online fish games. There was this one that I used to play when I was bored, but I couldn't remember the name. I had a hard time searching for it, eventually found it, but I found a couple other fun ones, too.

    Fish Eat Fish <---Linky
    This one is fun but challenging. The object is to eat fish smaller than you so you can grow bigger. And to also not get eaten by the other bigger fish. Also, to stay alive while you are chasing the smaller fish, you have to eat some pellets. The pellets stay your hunger, but you only get points for the fish you eat. You have to use the arrow keys to move around the pond but the other fish just fly by you. I was like hey wait a minute come back here! Your fish doesn't move too fast. I kept getting eaten. :icon_hang:
    !FISHY! <---Linky
    This one is almost exactly like the one above (Fish Eat Fish). You get points for eating fish smaller than you and you die if the bigger fish eat you. There are no pellets. Apparently the unseen fish keeper doesn't take care of his pond if the only food source is other fish. Lol! Anyways, in this one you swim faster (a bonus). I got to eat more fish than in the other game because they are easier to catch. BUT any time you get eaten you have to start all over again. They erase your points. The other one I think runs on a three strike system. So in Fish Eat Fish if you die a couple of times you are okay but you have to start all over with no points the third time you die.

    Aquarium Scoop Hotshot <---Linky
    In this one you have to net out the fish from the tank. But you can't net out the Angel fish. You lose points for that. And it's timed. They change it up by putting decorations in the tank, giving you new harder to catch species, and they will give you less time to do it in. Not a bad game. Bit boring after a while.

    Insane Aquarium <---Linky
    This one is just like the first two. They need to get more creative. The objectives are all the same. Eh. In this one you use the mouse to move your goldfish around and eat the smaller fish. Though in this one bubbles will come down that will give you extra speed, a shield so you can eat any fish, and 1-UPs. I think it has better graphics than the other two.

    Insaniquarium <---Linky
    This is the one I was looking for! I think it's really fun. It keeps you on your toes because there is so much you have to do. The object is to keep your fish alive and growing because when they get bigger they poop out money. Don't you wish you fish did that now? ) Anyways, so you collect the money and use it to buy stuff. You start off with flake food but you can upgrade to pellets and then to pills. The better the food, the less hungry your fish are. Btw they turn green when they need food and if you don't feed them they die. You can buy better fish food, more fish, a carnivorous fish (FYI these guys only eat the smallest fish; you will need to keep buying baby fish or have the Preggo fish in the tank.), a better ray gun (You will need this to fend off the aliens that will eat your fish), and the egg shell pieces. The egg pieces (once you've bought all three of them) unlock new fishy characters. At the beginning of each level you pick three characters to put in your tank. The snail will (very slowly) help you collect money that falls to the bottom. The Clam will produce pearls (worth lots of money). The Preggo fish will produce baby fish. And the seahorse will poop out fish pellets for your hungry fish. Fish poop money and aliens transport into your tank! This game is messed up but I like it.

    There are alot more fish games out there. I just found these few free online ones that I thought were fun. Enjoy!

  • #2
    hrmmmm, I know what I'll be doing at work tonight.
    ‎Haiku's are easy
    But sometimes they don't make sense


    • #3
      bump for fun games!
      BEWARE Guard GUPPIES On Duty!


      • #4
        Hey what game was it that you have an aquarium and you buy fish and grow them out and can sell them to buy other fish or things. It was like the sims but fish.
        Resident fish bum
        330G FOWLR
        34G Reef
        330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
        28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
        Treasurer, GHAC


        • #5
          Oh Fish Tycoon! Forgot about that one. The object is to breed the fish until you can find the 7 Magic fish. I've never played it for very long but you earn money buy selling the fish that you breed in the store. And you can use that money to buy (I think) more fish eggs and equipment. The game is in real time so if you leave the game alone for a while and come back more stuff will have happened in the game.

          I have played other games from Last Day of Work like the Virtual Villagers. In this one you designate jobs to the village people. And I have on more than one occasion come back to find an island of skeletons because no-one was searching for food. Basically it's a fun game if you are going to play it and leave it on for an hour or two and then come back to it. I don't recommend leaving it running for the whole day. There is a pause button for this. Oh and I think like Virtual Villagers that you can trick it into speeding up a few hours by changing the time on your computer. This sometimes worked for me.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Darbex View Post
            Hey what game was it that you have an aquarium and you buy fish and grow them out and can sell them to buy other fish or things. It was like the sims but fish.
            On the Bratz website there is an aquarium game where you maintain a tank, breed bizarre fry that grow into big fish that breed more weird fish...
            You sell them and buy tank stuff, medicine, and food. If you neglect the tank they all die.
            My girl had a great time for many months, and used the babysitter option to keep the tank up when she was away.
            Got any Bratz dolls? HeHe
            We have over 24 and all the DVDs...
            Working for a better Future for my Fish!
            75, 29
            All my other tanks have gone on to better lives!

            Sailfin Mollies, Plecos, Corys,, 1 lonely Jewel Cichlid

