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Four New Species of King Crabs Discovered
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Reminds me of a story : The son of a friend of mine had a boondogle job in the 70's (and likely still does) with federal parks and wildlife. In Puget sound or Alaska ; they set king crab traps each week(?) , then then counted ,weighed,etc, the catch in their office. The only reasonable thing they could do then was eat them ; naturally , catch limits and seasons ,etc, did not apply.
Same thing here. The confiscated shrimp and fish makes it to freezers. Guess whose? The confiscators. At least it did 20 years ago.55g Planted- Malawi and Victorian Cichlids
35g Cube- P. Saulosi, Petrochromis, Sunshine Peacocks
20L Planted- RCS, Ghost Shrimp, Neon Tetras, Snails
2.5g Planted- Snails, RCS