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Great lakes fishery likly to be troubled

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  • Great lakes fishery likly to be troubled

    Check this link out...

    ( -- A deadly fish virus - viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus - first discovered in the Northeast in 2005, has been found for the first time in Lake Superior. The virus is now in all of the Great Lakes.

    Given that I lived a great deal of my adult life in Minnesota on the western edge of Lake Superior, I can see what the devastation of this virus will do... Especially since so many people that fish Lake Superior use the same boat that they use to fish in the inland lakes.

    This ebola like virus is pretty scary when you consider all the ramifications of native fish and ecological balance that goes with it. Also not to mention the potential losses in the fishing industry, tourism and the quality of life that goes with the lakes both the Great lakes and the inland lakes.

    What is fascinating is that the town of Duluth which is one of the major ports on the most western edge of Lake Superior is also known for their frogs of which were quite a few but the main problems were in other areas in which quite a bit of studies occured....

    Check this link out

    Interesting eh??
