Rhett, you make me laugh. You sound just like my friends and I when Metallica made the "One" video and it played on MTV. We were all like those fawkers sold out, that's FN bs. Until that video Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Testament, and others like them never got air play on radio or MTV. That video changed them, it changed it for me and my friends.
I'll never forget watching MTV unplugged one night in the barracks, and it was Alice in Chains. It was their first concert in like 2 years or more, and the bassist wrote on his bass... "Friends don't let Friends get haircuts" I laughed my *** off, because he did it on purpose and Metallica was in the studio audience. It was right after the Black albumn and Metallica had all cut their hair short, looking like everyone else.
The music for me then was all anti-establishment, it was me. And what I learned over the years, is that "does the man make the music, or does the music make the man?" Music is always changing, music comes from you.
So wether your Chuck Billy, George Fisher, or Tom Araya and singing hardcore/thrash/death Metal in your 40's or your James Hetfield and your music styles changed as your life changed, it does not matter.
Just play... or enjoy what music does for you and how it touches your life...and answers the question for you... "Does the man make the music, or does the music make the man?"
I'll never forget watching MTV unplugged one night in the barracks, and it was Alice in Chains. It was their first concert in like 2 years or more, and the bassist wrote on his bass... "Friends don't let Friends get haircuts" I laughed my *** off, because he did it on purpose and Metallica was in the studio audience. It was right after the Black albumn and Metallica had all cut their hair short, looking like everyone else.
The music for me then was all anti-establishment, it was me. And what I learned over the years, is that "does the man make the music, or does the music make the man?" Music is always changing, music comes from you.
So wether your Chuck Billy, George Fisher, or Tom Araya and singing hardcore/thrash/death Metal in your 40's or your James Hetfield and your music styles changed as your life changed, it does not matter.
Just play... or enjoy what music does for you and how it touches your life...and answers the question for you... "Does the man make the music, or does the music make the man?"