Originally posted by wesleydnunder
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Post your ugly mug?
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This is me about a year ago at Fitzgeralds with my old band Bound By Chaos.
Last edited by FrontosaurusRex; 12-09-2009, 04:53 AM.If it ain't wild caught
You ain't doing it right
ok, since frontosaurusrex just loves to post weird pics of me here are some that i like!
this is me and our daughter peyton, she looks nothing like her father...lol
me and frontosaurusrex at a holiday party
Peyton aka half nikkijean1 and half frontosaurusrex
newb the first time he has ever held his nieceI love my baby girl!
Originally posted by cichlid1409 View Postnewb, rex ;you guys are really living up to the title of this thread
rex that looks like blood on your lips.No sir, its not blood, it's delicious chocolate cake from P.F. Chang's. I couldnt help myself
If it ain't wild caught
You ain't doing it right
Blue Popsicles
Yes that is my bike. It is a honda shadow >_> I wrecked my harley and this was my punishment...
I reaallllllly miss those glasses... Anger+Prada Glasses+Concrete=700$ down the drain
note: these are old pics right after I got out of the army...Im too embarrassed to show myself right now LOL. My hair is longer, down my back, I have bendable glasses, a "bridge" peircing, a industrial bar on my right ear, and a lot of tattoos.
Left forearm: Entrail Demon (a demon eating his own guts)
Sholderblades: I have 2 executioners on my back, one on each blade.
Sholders: Mirrored tribal swirly things. I used one for a cover up, then decided to put the same thing on the other sholder only mirrored.
If you live in baytown, chances are youd know me when you see me. I think Im the only girl in Baytown with a bridge peircing LOL!
edit: my natural haircolor is show in the bottom pic LOL!! its that color now. ;3
edit edit: Oh and those who havent seen: My hairless cat, Jaeden. Shes a diva!
Last edited by Kittysnax; 12-20-2009, 03:32 PM.