Damn, I didnt know I had so much stuff.....here is a run down of what I have.
Dremel kit...cordless and wired. The cordless need a new charger. There are all types of extra dremel stuff in both kits. $75 obo

Heat gun....it's hot $50 obo

Viewsonic 19inch mon....Work great $125 each.

Floor Jack, Floor Stands and 4 way lug remover (Spanky called dibs on this one)

Lights 30.00

GC 800 valve $50.00 obo Great for train horns
Ryobi grinder $75 obo

Regulator $50 obo

Banks ottomind chip for V10 motors $75.00

Kicker 5 inch midrang drivers BNIB $50 obo

Kicker 6.5 inch mid bass BNIB $75 obo

MB 3 way and 2 way old school crossovers 100 for the 3 way 75 for the 2way obo

Kenwood KAC 1020 amp...with manual...Bench test and work great $225 obo

Kenwood Kac 921 with manual..bench test and work great $100 obo

Pioneer home speakers $150.00 obo

Pioneer home speakers $200.00 obo

If you have any question post here or shoot me a text message.
Dremel kit...cordless and wired. The cordless need a new charger. There are all types of extra dremel stuff in both kits. $75 obo

Heat gun....it's hot $50 obo

Viewsonic 19inch mon....Work great $125 each.

Floor Jack, Floor Stands and 4 way lug remover (Spanky called dibs on this one)

Lights 30.00

GC 800 valve $50.00 obo Great for train horns
Ryobi grinder $75 obo

Regulator $50 obo

Banks ottomind chip for V10 motors $75.00

Kicker 5 inch midrang drivers BNIB $50 obo

Kicker 6.5 inch mid bass BNIB $75 obo

MB 3 way and 2 way old school crossovers 100 for the 3 way 75 for the 2way obo

Kenwood KAC 1020 amp...with manual...Bench test and work great $225 obo

Kenwood Kac 921 with manual..bench test and work great $100 obo

Pioneer home speakers $150.00 obo

Pioneer home speakers $200.00 obo

If you have any question post here or shoot me a text message.