I wanted to express my sincere thanks to Darbex for delivering his poor butt ugly Jack Demsey to my door step, that was very kind of you. I don't know if he will ever get his tail or dorsal fin back, but I will take good care of him anyway. He seems to have been accepted well by his tankmates, and he is not bothering anybody, so he is welcome to chill with us for a while.
JWS6, I wanted to thank you as well for being patient while I found the tiime to get over to your part of town too. I was very impressed with your tanks and fish. It was a treat to see your setups. Thanks again for the "buy 2, get 1 free" thing, I appreciate that......
Hope you both enjoy the remainder of the holiday....
JWS6, I wanted to thank you as well for being patient while I found the tiime to get over to your part of town too. I was very impressed with your tanks and fish. It was a treat to see your setups. Thanks again for the "buy 2, get 1 free" thing, I appreciate that......
Hope you both enjoy the remainder of the holiday....