They are so stupid. Went there to get some prime and they have troph fry marked as afra cichlids and what looked to be a flavus marked as yellow banded cichlid. Whoever is supplying them isn't a reliable source to not tell them the correct names of these fish. They had the "afra cichlids" marked at $6.99 and had the "banded cichlid" marked at $11.99. I wanted to get the Flavus but not at that price and I almost bought all of the poor trophs because I felt bad for them. They need some serious help in there
No announcement yet.
Petsmart Tropheus
I was going to but then I saw the guy move the substrate and it looked like a bunch of dead fish carcasses started floating around. They probably carry so many diseases and they looked muddy. There was one nice one out of ten that looked easily distinguishable, but the rest were muddy colored. Pathetic210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
125g Mdoka White Lip
"Success is the willingness to fail"
Originally posted by moganman View PostI was going to but then I saw the guy move the substrate and it looked like a bunch of dead fish carcasses started floating around. They probably carry so many diseases and they looked muddy. There was one nice one out of ten that looked easily distinguishable, but the rest were muddy colored. Pathetic700g Mini-Monster tank
I doubt thats what the were told to do but possibly a mislabel done by the workers, how do you know the supplier specifically instructed them to label as so?
All the ones I have seen have been labeled correctly and have even heard some workers inform customers appropriately as well.
Mislabels happen all the time. Some people see it as a "win" cause you get what you want for cheaper.700g Mini-Monster tank
Because I told the guy that those are tropheus and he said no they aren't they are afra cichlids. He also said he receives the shipments and that the way they are labeled is what they came in labeled as.210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
125g Mdoka White Lip
"Success is the willingness to fail"
Originally posted by moganman View PostBecause I told the guy that those are tropheus and he said no they aren't they are afra cichlids. He also said he receives the shipments and that the way they are labeled is what they came in labeled as.700g Mini-Monster tank
I work there...we have to sell them as what we get..I bought one of the yellow banded just to do it..he's grown abt 3" since...he's not bad either210 gallon ~ S/A, C/A build; jaguar, dovii, flowerhorn, gold doviI, 2 red devils, pacu, shovel nose cat
125 gallon long ~ African cichlids
10 gallon ~ ghost shrimp breeding (fish treats) haha
I've known some very knowledgable folk who work/worked at Petsmart/Petco and some who knew very little. It just depends on the employee and your assessment of their advice and information. The same can truly be said about nearly any fish store, it is up to you the customer to take their advice or to ignore it. Many have strong suits, just like everyone here. If you ask me about saltwater tanks and mechanics I know enough to say it is my weak area and will freely admit it.In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Desiderius Erasmus
GHAC President