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little pics.

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  • little pics.

    ok guys.  i finally broke down.  got me some really good photo editing softwear adn stuff.  startin to figure it out slowly but surely.  but how in the heck yall makin yalls own avatars.  man i been tryin for like 2 hours and catn.  whats up with it.  i have adobe photoshop elements 5.0.  i wanna have a custom avatar.

  • #2
    Re: little pics.

    You have a pixel limit I states it when you are rejected.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: little pics.

      yeah i know.  its like 80 x 80 but i cant figure out how to freakin get my pics that dam small or how to get the program to resize for those specs for me.  lol.   how you do yours?  what prog???

      Hey and another question.  anyone got a really good website that has like all fish species listed with like pics, common names, scientific names, and specs on the fish.  

      I wanna make a list of all the fish i have.  scientific names, and common and all that.  but im havin a hard time.  i konw i have a few mix like some different color lake malawi cichlids that are different colors and breed which i read isnt that uncommon evan in the wild cause sometimes love is in the air it dont matter but anyways i wanna try to profile my fish.  if i cant get a good site then im gonna bug yall with pics .   lol.  lots of pics.


      • #4
        Re: little pics.

        Google works good for the pics/names....... as for the pictures I use MSPaint.
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #5
          Re: little pics.

          im gonna try mspaint.  let me see how that works.  that little fish in your pic.  what is it.  its nice.  yeeah i google the hell outta stuff.  i have found a few sites with fishes listed but not any that are really thorough.


          • #6
            Re: little pics.

            screw the pics. im done.  tried like 5 times in paint.  still cant figure out that 80x80 pixel. got it small as hell but still no go.  ill stick with ol droopy.  lol


            • #7
              Re: little pics.

              I use photobucket to make my avitars.  When you save a picture to your photobucket account, there is actually an option to make a picture into an avitar under "edit" while you are viewing your pic.
              5.5 fw fluval chi - class N top bar snake chested endlers/ red marble bn/ 4 stripe RCS/ pumpkin shrimp
              20 sw cube - a few damsels and a colony of bristleworms
              29 fw - self cloning crayfish..which can't seem to clone haha
              29 fw - mollies / albino bristlenose / ghost shrimp and snowball shrimp/ glo danios
              29 fw - crs/ amano/tiger shrimp /assassins/ whiptails/ plants/ 3 emerald cories
              55 fw - steatocranus casaurius (20ish)/ tetras/ rainbows/large Jack Dempsey
              75 fw - large Jack Dempseys / pictus cat/ yoyo loach/ Red gippicep
              / 10+" oscar/ parrot


              • #8
                Re: little pics.

                The little fish is a zebra pleco L046
                700g Mini-Monster tank


                • #9
                  Re: little pics.

                  thanks. ill try photo bucket now  lol.


                  • #10
                    Re: little pics.

                    Try Picasa. All you have to do is export to the smallest setting & your done.
                    Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                    Mod OF Marshreef

                    Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                    Coming soon Daphnia


                    • #11
                      Re: little pics.

                      k.  il try that one too


                      • #12
                        Re: little pics.

                        When you upload onto it has an option of uploading as avatar....that works for most forums.
                        700g Mini-Monster tank


                        • #13
                          Re: little pics.

                          yeah baby.  haha.  found a website to do the dirty work for me.  hahaha.  

                          Online image resize utility to resize pictures or photos and images quickly for free. Resize jpg, png or gif pictures and Digital Photos. We make it easy to resize photos without installing any software.

                          yeah.   like my GSP?


                          • #14
                            Re: little pics.

                            This is probably not the page you’re looking for. Sorry about that.

                            Reduces file size for uploading to the internet and does it really quickly. No need to upload a huge file, wait for it to descale it then download it again.


                            • #15
                              Re: little pics.

                              nice thanks bro

