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Opinions; Is it a violation

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  • #16
    Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

    when it comes right down to it, it seems incredably obvious that it doesnt matter how people want our nation to act but that the craziest percentage on both extremes are the ones making all the decisions. it seems good sense has no place in our government anymore. Yes he has no rights because he isnt a citizen, but just because we disagree doesnt mean we should shoot him, he hasnt hurt anyone and is guilty of no crime other then religious zealotry (which many americans are just as bad about) Hate is what caused these problems and hate will not solve it, doesnt mean that violence wont be necessary, because i believe it will, but it should be delivered by justice and not by a biased group. there really needs to be a true international defense force that is not biased as much, if someone is proven to commit a crime then they recieve that punishment. Iraq didnt do a damn thing to us. we shouldnt be there, i agree afganistan was the source of attack, and they suffered our rath, notice you dont hear anything about that place anymore, seems odd. and dont get me started on KBR and HAlliburton ripping us off of billions.
    Never fear I is here
    David Abeles
    Vice President
    Greater Houston Aquarium Club


    • #17
      Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

      sorry for mistype, wrath*
      Never fear I is here
      David Abeles
      Vice President
      Greater Houston Aquarium Club


      • #18
        Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

        I think its funny that anyone would want to allow the dictator from Iran to even step foot on the site. If it were the opposite he would have his secret police arrest you for stepping foot in his country and when you say but I have rights. He would laugh in your face as his police continue to beat you to death. I would like to see him walk down a street in middle America and see what happens to him. I do not believe one bit that that man or anyone associated with him have any sympathy for what happen. So I have no remorse for what is due to him.
        Resident fish bum
        330G FOWLR
        34G Reef
        330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
        28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
        Treasurer, GHAC


        • #19
          Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

          I would have to disagree with you there David, the Iranian government has been supporting Hezbollah and terrorists that attack our soldiers in Iraq and Afghan. I also would disagree with the idea of Haliburton completely ripping us off. I will not say that they dont at all because every company at some point in time will rip us off it is what it is its Capitalism you take the bad with the good but I would not want to be in any other country. Being an accountant and following the company what they provide for this country is just short of amazing. The reason that no one in the media tells you that Haliburton gets most of the contracts is that they are virtually the only company that can provide the services they do. Does anyone realized that everything that they do for the government is with no funding. They do not get a dime when the government calls them up and says we are going to war we need you to set up the logistics for food, water, fuel. That costs a lot of money and man power that Haliburton does not get paid for for months and sometimes years later. If you look at their cash flow they outlay so much money for us to go to Iraq lets disregard whether you think we should be there or not they spend billions and the US government doesnt give them the cash up front. And they have to call up all of those people to supply what the government wants.
          Resident fish bum
          330G FOWLR
          34G Reef
          330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
          28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
          Treasurer, GHAC


          • #20
            Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

            I thought that Iraq and Afghan were the right call, I now want the government to give Iraq a year to prove that they want a country of their own if they can not prove it then we need to leave because we can no longer help people who cant help themselves. At that point we should just bring our troops home from every country that bad mouths us, ie. Germany, S. Korea. Their economies will hurt when our thousand of brave individuals stop spending US dollars in their countries. Bring them home seal the borders and make sure that no terrorists even thinks of crossing our borders.
            Resident fish bum
            330G FOWLR
            34G Reef
            330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
            28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
            Treasurer, GHAC


            • #21
              Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

              I think that if he walked in front of me I would start hitting him with more than my shoes!!!

              Victoria, you totally gave me goosebumps!

              Brownsnout, I agree, he doesn't have the same constitutional rights as citizens...and given the motive of his wreath-placing, I don't think he should be given those rights. Maybe we should let him come over here and then set "La Migra" on his EDIT!!!

              It is a terrible thing that happened on 9-11 and I really hate to think that people are glorifying the dang idiots that were sent over here to hurt us! Why should they be remembered? Also, if Osama is such a brave guy to them, and killing yourself for their cause is so great, then why wasn't he on the first plane? These people need to be stopped!!! We have to show them that they can't just walk all over us claiming that they have the same rights as we do!



              • #22
                Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

                He's a puppet, just like Saddam, with more clout perhaps, but a puppet just the same, and we have already established he has no rights since he is not a US Citizen. We don't need to club him with our shoes or jus shoot him, we need to politely send him on his way back home where we can kill him later at the whim of our commander in cheif,  dur fuerur.

                More on this later.

                Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                • #23
                  Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

                  Tiapan:" no crime other then religious zealotry (which many americans are just as bad about)",  I don't see any religious americans strapping on bombs,planes or what have you and going and blowing up anyone. Remember they would like nothing more than to kill you plain and simple!!

                  In order to win most any war, kill the enemy! His is an enemy. That quack would kill as many American's as he could, we aren't fighting al-queda over in Iraq as much as people are lead to believe, we are fighting iranian funding foot soliders who are voilating all the Geneva Convention rules. Who are scared to fight and hide behind the cloak of civilians.

                  Screw that *****, bust a cap in his sorry a$$


                  • #24
                    Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

                    CichlidFan, were you comparing President Bush to Hitler? Not funny...  :|



                    • #25
                      Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

                      I don't care whether the 19 terrorists were just poor, confused young zealots or not. If their leaders want to lay a wreath for them, let them lay it in the country they think they died for, not in ours !

                      MY MANTRA: Yes, I CAN have too many fishtanks!


                      • #26
                        Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

                        I was vehemently opposed to the invasion of Iraq. Mainly because it did not logically follow suit...It had no place in our war on Terrorism.

                        Its amazing to me how people look at the world through their own eyes...the jokers on FOX are great at this..with no understanding of the history of the people of the region.

                        The people of the region are tribal. They have definite differences based on bloodline, religion and locale. The countries of the region are not a unified group of states.

                        The British knew this for years as occupiers of the region. In fact most the country borders were not determined by the people of the region but by foreign intervention. Another indicator was the  creation of a non Arab state in their midst which the various people of the region opposed. But there was no strong opposition formed by the countries of the region. Their leaders ruled with a tribal mentality, not a unified one.

                        Hussein was a villain for the actions he took against opposing tribes (Kurds) but he knew how to maintain order in a way the people understood.

                        The War against Zealot Terrorism is not a war against a is war against ideology. Bin laden is a strong symbol of the ideology to the zealots who oppose us. He should have been and still should be the major focus of our resources. Instead, our glorious leader and his cronies allowed this country to get burdened in the affairs of a minefield of a country..when the REAL focus is still wandering around making videos and taunting us.

                        BTW, the president of Iran has no business laying a wreath at the WTC...Our own country hasnt even erected a suitable resting and rememberance site yet. I think his request was a mockery of us.

                        The above and $1.75 will provide a cup of hot java at Starbucks.


                        • #27
                          Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

                          I spent about 3 hours last night reading about the 9-11 terriorist in wikpedia encyclopedia.  You can read about each and everyone of them from their beginings to the end.

                          Almost everyone of them was from a rich Saudi-Family, highly educated and trained.  They were not poor, yes they were young, but not poor.

                          What we need to do, is bring home the troops.  Give money to Pakistan, because they are the only ARAB country that is supplying troops, intelligence, and political backing, that is helping us.  Lets get with them and make the Himalayas a parking lot.

                          Close our borders to all illegal imigration, and really put our home security to work.  That will keep the terriorist away from here, and with Pakistans help, we will kill and destroy their leaders that are hiding in the AFghan/Pakistan border.

                          This I believe would really be the end of that.

                          I also beleive that we need to quit being so 100% behind Israel.  Yes they are our best ally, but its price is too high.  It cannot be for religious purpose, or for Holocaust ammends, it must be something else.
                          380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                          300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                          180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                          150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                          • #28
                            Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

                            Well the reason to attack a country is the belief that to fight terrorism is to fight it through ideas and to dismantle any government that gives them aid and shelter. Some people may believe that Iraq did not give aid, I would say that leaders from several countries beleived that Iraq did support terrorism and beleived that they did pose a threat to Western civ through their weapons that could be given to terrorists. Leaders from France, Germany, Britain, Russia, US and others all believed that there was a real threat. I also do not think that we as a people can ever not support Israel due to our historic ties to the people. With the help of all Western nations we created Israel in a place hostile to them because of race and religion that spans milleniums. Due to our involvement in that I do not think in good conscience we can pull out. That will be saying to all of the racists out there in the Middle East you have a free pass at Israel we will not step in. You will see a war start that will be beyond any war we have seen and will be a war that will spread throughout the world.
                            Resident fish bum
                            330G FOWLR
                            34G Reef
                            330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                            28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                            Treasurer, GHAC


                            • #29
                              Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

                              I understand that the Western World really made a mistake there in giving them that land which was no longer theirs.

                              I understand that Germany and much of the western world for allowing the Holocaust to happen owes some amount of Reparations to the Jewish people.

                              Why then, is that same Reparations not given to African and Asian countries for supplying the world with Slave Labor?

                              I think that no matter what we do in Iraq, that government is doomed.  They will do whatever it takes to topple, because in their eyes, it’s the government that the US put in there, the "infidels” forced upon us.

                              The invasion of Iraq happened on a whim, not thru some UN agreement between the Security Council members.  The US did not wait for that.

                              We saved France in WWI and WWII; they saved us in the Revolutionary War, and in the Indian Wars.  So we are about equal on footing with them.  There are some differences when you compare us liberating them from Germany in WWII vs. them saving our *** at Yorktown.  But that’s a completely different storey….
                              380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                              300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                              180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                              150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                              • #30
                                Re: Opinions; Is it a violation

                                hey lets not get to french bashing now. I would like to point out that this is an opinion thread. as we can all see it is a subject of very stong belief in many people here. I can say for one (being Jewish myself) that yes something needed to be done about holocaust, but forcing`the creation of a country was wrong. but it has been done and now he US backs them up. If you are gonna condemn someone for what their governemnt does (and i dont agree with supporting terrorism ) then what of us for the Japanese camps during WWII. Every i repeat EVERY nation has had bad decisions made out of fear. it is because of the exchange of ideas and different opinions that the US is different. just like the religion of Islam is not bad simply some of its followers. Is the statement rude and insulting to place a wreath there. YES of course it is, but listening to someone say horribly racist things(like the KKK and NEo-nazis, which do reside here) could be considered just as bad. they promote violence and crime.
                                Never fear I is here
                                David Abeles
                                Vice President
                                Greater Houston Aquarium Club

