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How do we stop mass School shootings?

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  • How do we stop mass School shootings?

    ARM the teachers!

    I will be trying to push a new law threw that will allow this. One small schooldistrict in Texas already has allowed it.

    Protect the 2nd amendment!

    I no longer will spend my money at Buffalo Wild Wings (YOu can not carry in BBW anymore)
    I no longer will spend my money at Dicks Sporting Goods. THey are taking all AR 15s off the shelf.
    Don't blame me, I voted Ron Paul !!!

  • #2
    BW3 has always been that way, its a bar, they have 51% signs posted.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      I would not be going to class knowing my profs are armed.... I'm too rebellious
      I have the patience of a goldfish....


      • #4
        I find this disrespectful to the children and adults lost in the school shooting. How the hell do you predict something like this? It's easy to look back and say how you'll prevent the same exact thing happening but when will teachers know when to get the gun out? My dad was shot in a drive by shooting with a 12 gauge and hospitalized for two years. I was sitting at a light and two guys pulled guns on me. What about the movie theater shooting? No matter what passes I doubt most teachers will be comfortable carrying guns in freaking schools. Then a student will grab the gun and kill the teacher that it was mad at. Regardless of the preventative measures, it all comes down to bad parenting. The mom taught the dude how to shoot and he came and killed her. Sorry but most mass killers are little white kids who parents put them in time out. Maybe if they got their asses beat good enough they wouldn't go around killing people.
        210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
        125g Mdoka White Lip

        "Success is the willingness to fail"


        • #5
          Originally posted by moganman View Post
          I find this disrespectful to the children and adults lost in the school shooting. How the hell do you predict something like this? It's easy to look back and say how you'll prevent the same exact thing happening but when will teachers know when to get the gun out? My dad was shot in a drive by shooting with a 12 gauge and hospitalized for two years. I was sitting at a light and two guys pulled guns on me. What about the movie theater shooting? No matter what passes I doubt most teachers will be comfortable carrying guns in freaking schools. Then a student will grab the gun and kill the teacher that it was mad at. Regardless of the preventative measures, it all comes down to bad parenting. The mom taught the dude how to shoot and he came and killed her. Sorry but most mass killers are little white kids who parents put them in time out. Maybe if they got their asses beat good enough they wouldn't go around killing people.
          I agree, it's a cultural issue which is often overlooked by the public. Sometimes people are all about rights and the Constitution but forgot what actually shape up this society. Go back to one of the old Asian idea "family is the building block of society", people always take it for granted then when things happen they blame on this law or that person.

          Like I said, I would not feel comfortable going to class knowing my professors have guns. Discussion in college classrooms often get very heated. If someone pull out a gun in anger and shoot you in the head, they can go to jail or lose their life, but you wouldn't be there to worry about it.
          I have the patience of a goldfish....


          • #6
            there is nothing that can be done to stop things like this from happening if they impose gun laws it is only going to stop law abiding citizens from carrying people that have guns illegally wil still have there guns
            dont bro me if you dont know me!!!!!


            • #7
              Re: How do we stop mass School shootings?

              Originally posted by barberking12 View Post
              there is nothing that can be done to stop things like this from happening if they impose gun laws it is only going to stop law abiding citizens from carrying people that have guns illegally wil still have there guns
              I agree with this.

              Even in a country with bans on assault weapons (Norway? I forget), they had that crazy nut kill a lot more kids at a camp.

              I also think that it comes down to parenting


              • #8
                In East Asia, absolute gun control is the norm. Of course it has pros and cons
                I have the patience of a goldfish....


                • #9
                  Re: How do we stop mass School shootings?

                  Originally posted by suicune View Post
                  In East Asia, absolute gun control is the norm. Of course it has pros and cons
                  So does zero gun control


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by barberking12 View Post
                    there is nothing that can be done to stop things like this from happening if they impose gun laws it is only going to stop law abiding citizens from carrying people that have guns illegally wil still have there guns

                    I carry everywhere I go, except in 51% places (with the exception of when I worked at a bar) & have my CHL. The difference is I'm not a deranged lunatic, nor have I ever pulled it on anyone but I would to protect myself, my "castle" or my family. It's as easy for kids & adults alike to buy drugs as it is to buy guns & guns are regulated!

                    Tightening gun control is not going to stop things like this from happening. Timothy McVeigh didn't use a gun, nor was one used in 9/11. People who are prone to "snap" are going to snap & they're going to use whatever tools their insane state of mind dictates at that moment.
                    180g - 2 Red Oscars, 1 Tiger Oscar, 1 JD, Convicts, convicts & more convicts
                    75g - 1 Silver Aro, 1 Mean Koi Angel
                    50g - Various platy & mollies
                    10g - 1 Green Spotted Puffer


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Cichlidfarm View Post
                      ARM the teachers!

                      I will be trying to push a new law threw that will allow this. One small schooldistrict in Texas already has allowed it.

                      Protect the 2nd amendment!

                      I no longer will spend my money at Buffalo Wild Wings (YOu can not carry in BBW anymore)
                      I no longer will spend my money at Dicks Sporting Goods. THey are taking all AR 15s off the shelf.

                      Wings are WAY overrated


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by moganman View Post
                        I find this disrespectful to the children and adults lost in the school shooting. How the hell do you predict something like this? It's easy to look back and say how you'll prevent the same exact thing happening but when will teachers know when to get the gun out? My dad was shot in a drive by shooting with a 12 gauge and hospitalized for two years. I was sitting at a light and two guys pulled guns on me. What about the movie theater shooting? No matter what passes I doubt most teachers will be comfortable carrying guns in freaking schools. Then a student will grab the gun and kill the teacher that it was mad at. Regardless of the preventative measures, it all comes down to bad parenting. The mom taught the dude how to shoot and he came and killed her. Sorry but most mass killers are little white kids who parents put them in time out. Maybe if they got their asses beat good enough they wouldn't go around killing people.
                        just their parents


                        • #13
                          mogonman dont try that racist card columbine was not a white guy 9/11 was not a whits guy the fort hood shooting was not a white guy i can name plenty of examples. and how do you kno he sat in timeout his parents could have beat him his whole life
                          dont bro me if you dont know me!!!!!


                          • #14
                            How do we stop mass School shootings?

                            On the same day as the shooting here a man in china went to a school and stabbed 22 kids. I don't see it as a gun issue I see it as evil people doing evil things.
                            29 Gallon SA Tank -- 5 Bleeding Heart Tetras, Mated Pair of Angels, 7 Green Corys, and a Rubberlip Pleco

                            30 Gallon Breeder -- 20+ neon tetras, 3 albino cories, 2 albino bristlenose plecos, female betta, 1 angel

                            5 Gallon Shrimp Nano - Sakura Red Shrimp, Boraras Brigittae, Oto Cats, Olive Nerites, and Pink Ramshorn


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by barberking12 View Post
                              mogonman dont try that racist card columbine was not a white guy 9/11 was not a whits guy the fort hood shooting was not a white guy i can name plenty of examples. and how do you kno he sat in timeout his parents could have beat him his whole life
                              I'm not making it a race thing dude.
                              210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
                              125g Mdoka White Lip

                              "Success is the willingness to fail"

